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Questions tagged [dana]

The Pali word for generosity or giving. One of the ten perfections along with virtue, renunciation, wisdom, effort, patience, truth, determination, friendliness, and equanimity.

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3 answers

In Buddhism, is 'dana' (charity) have any eligibility criteria like Hinduism?

In Hinduism, as per Dharmashastras, Puranas and several other scriptures, charity should only be given to brahmanas learned in Vedas and nobody else. Every other person, no matter how poor they are, ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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Do the Pali suttas refer to unwholesome gift benefactors?

I was browsing a new set of Sutta translations by a renowned translator, and happened to read the publisher wrote a special acknowledgement towards a certain charitable foundation that was established ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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What is this saying about the relationship between Kamma and Dana?

Reviewing topics about Dana I found this page: Dana -- Giving I don't understand this section: The important things to know about kamma are: Kamma is not a matter of 'an eye for an eye', but is ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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How much worthy to pay for one who keeps precepts, metta?

Say a soldier can be hired for maybe $100 a day: What would be a suitable price to offer that one would live in accordance with the Dhamma, keeping precepts based on metta for all beings, a day?
user23901's user avatar
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Proper way of offering

I'm trying to clarify something I believe I heard a while back. I think I heard the monk instruct the lay person to say "Bhikku Sanghassa Demi" which I believe was later translated as "...
m2015's user avatar
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Time, space: real, lasting, own-able?

or uncertain, subject of change, a burden and not own- or control-able, not worthy to fall for? Time to answer and give it up?
youknow's user avatar
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Proper to let trade carry liberation, even possible?

No question that it isn't proper to let trades for world carry Dhamma, share Dhamma via market places, but what does one think in regard of receiving? Would Dhamma made avaliable by commerce take one ...
user21819's user avatar
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How to part with potentially harmful possessions

In line with my understanding of the teachings, I have been letting go of many possessions that have been accumulating in my life. I realized they really are unnecessary, they mostly just add stress ...
oak savannah's user avatar
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What is the effect of giving 'Dana' to the gift recipient's mind?

The Buddha said a gift given as an ornament for the mind will lead the giver to the company of Brahma's Retinue. Then, having exhausted that sovereignty, he is a non-returner. So the benefit to the ...
Epic's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the source of this popular quote about giving?

What is the source of the following quote (rightly or wrongly) attributed to the historical Buddha (easily found online): Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience ...
vimutti's user avatar
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SN 41:3,4 Where do these monks vanish to?

I was reading these two suttas and at the the end of both the monks seem to leave although Citta has offered to care for them. Is this a rejection of his Dana? Did Ven. Mahaka do something wrong by ...
m2015's user avatar
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Do you know of ways to financially support the Sangha?

I wonder what people, groups and projects one can support? Both monastic and lay fields are on topic.
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Attachment to trifling material things

Just a practical question on attachment to trifling material things. I struggle to put it in words but from my younger age, I have a habit of being angry when someone takes a minor item without ...
Epic's user avatar
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10 answers

Is it OK for a Buddhist teacher to charge their students an hourly rate for their time?

Charging money for teaching time seems like it goes against the spirit of the dharma. I’m asking because I was looking for a teacher and came across one that did charge money.
pmagunia's user avatar
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How are metta and dana related?

In accord to Dhamma, What is appropriate to give oneself? What is appropriate to give to others? Does dana ever go to oneself? Could oneself be seen impersonally as another that needs dana? ...
Uilium's user avatar
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How to handle aversion that derives from perceiving arrogance?

Ven. and good Buddha-Parisata, touched, and who ever interested and willing to give into the matter to get it minded, Who doesn't know the case where another is perceived as arrogant, either because ...
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3 answers

How to avoid poorness?

There are many, considering themselves even as "Buddhist" who would not give much toward Monks and Priests, yet reminded by the Sublime Buddha talk: "There is the case where a woman or man is not a ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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Which gift has more benefit for the giver? What are the dangers?

There is the case where a person gives toward a monk, having a joyful perception of the good Sangha, while he gives. There is the case where a person assumes a certain monk assuming being a Noble One ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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Someone making sacrifices outside the Sangha of Savakas, can such be expected as follower?

If people, maintaining a Buddhist identity, are good, they do whatever sacrifices of which they expect benefit or where they feel touched. Now, when a person gives outside the Savaka-Sangha, outside ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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6 answers

Annoyed when talking about generosity, stingy -- would one ever be able to grow in Dhamma?

Not having a quality, not seeing a quality in oneself, people get annoyed, even angry -- and use 1001 excuses to escape the first training. Now, one who is stingy and not even willing to master it, ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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In how far does/could one hurt himself by giving?

Beings are act-ually stingy because they think or argue, that when giving this, it will hurt be, be of disadvantage for me. Now, what does the Buddha mean by advicing to give when it does not harm ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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Could a Sotapanna reject to give if asked and has? [closed]

What does one here think: Is a person, having reached the path, able, would he, reject a request of something material, incl. strength and effort in material spheres, if he could share? In what cases,...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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3 answers

Can Generosity be Poison?

I read on the internet Mahasi Sayadaw once said: "For example, if a generous person obtains something precious and valuable, his first thought is to offer it to someone else rather than to use ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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What are ways "common" and not so known to practice the first kind of proper giving?

One may know, recognize or have ideas about the "fist proper kind/season of giving" which leads to a better and is trained by those devoted to the Gems, and probably like to share such. How can "...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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How do you practice outwardly giving?

Since most of you have neither much chances to practicing generosity toward the Sangha and aside probably not easy finding individual people worthy of gifts, how do you, living in outer lands, try to ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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Dana Sutta 7.49 [duplicate]

In this sutta the Buddha lists various reasons why people are generous and where their generosity will lead them. At the end of the sutta he mentioned the most powerful way of giving: " — nor ...
Val's user avatar
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Possible for "Hungry Ghosts" to gain path? Possible to help them out?

Is it possible for states/beings of that of hungry ghosts to gain path? Is it possible to help them? Or is providing food, in the case they had done merits before, all what one could do for them in ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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4 answers

Harmlessness as the highest form of generosity?

Somewhere I thought it was said that the practice of harmlessness was praised by the Buddha as the greatest form of generosity. (I don't remember where I read this.) Has anything like this been said ...
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5 answers

are mundane acts of compassion meaningful?

Did the Buddha say anything of the value of mundane acts of generosity which may temporarily alleviate the suffering of others in a temporary, worldly way, but do not free others from from suffering? ...
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What does mass donation of the Dhamma mean?

What does mass donation of the Dhamma mean? How is that done? Does it include promotion of the Dhamma in public places or the Internet to vast audiences? According to Itivuttaka 100: "There are ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Is insecticide treated mosquito nets against 1st precept?

As part of my charity action I was going to donate to Against Malaria Foundation. But after reading that 100% of the money is going to buy long-lasting insecticidal nets for the prevention of malaria, ...
dhammahd's user avatar
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What is the proper way to foster generosity and gratitude?

I can see how generosity and gratitude are important as means to foster right resolve. But what if someone do good things sometimes due a sense of obligation, but also cause much harm to you? For ...
Danilo's user avatar
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7 answers

What is the reason why Buddhist monks don't work to support themselves? Do the monastic rules prohibit them from working?

It may be hard to find a comparative monastic tradition in the west although there are some monastic in Christianity currently most are really assimilated and intertwine with the Church which bears ...
user12931's user avatar
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What would be the motivation for an arahant to perform generous deeds?

In the early stages of the gradual training, the instructions point out to perform generous deeds out of compassion. Knowing that a arahant has no more any trace of desire or self-identification and ...
Danilo's user avatar
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How to exercise goodwill in social circle?

Knowing that people in our social circle are not versed in the Dhamma, they seek gratification through the sense spheres (sensuality). For example, most people like to be praised and engage in idly ...
Danilo's user avatar
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4 answers

Selfless charity to poor and needy

Is selfless charity to the non-monastic poor and needy, recommended for Buddhists as part of their practice? How do the different Buddhist traditions differ from each other on this topic? Quotes ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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What is the relationship between dana and tax?

Is dana (or has it ever been) considered taxable in some countries?
Paul's user avatar
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References, Suttas, on the effects of rejecting (gifts)

Just wonder if there are explicitly teachings on cause and effect of rejecting gifts. What might be the effect of rejecting a pure gift? Maybe one or another Sutta may come to your mind and maybe you ...
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What increases the Anisanasa of Dāna (the rewards of giving)?

I have an unclear thing about Anisansa (Rewards). Is it more powerful giving something to more religious person (Buddhist monks) than giving it normal person? Could you please tell me a Sutra which ...
Tharindu Rajindra Piyasekara's user avatar
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Details on what may be given as alms

Am very new to the Theravada Buddhist practices and would like to know specific items that could be given as alms. My understanding is that a monk cannot cook for himself from items given and further ...
C Smith's user avatar
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How to propery pay back goodness and develop gratitude?

Today morning, while browsing certain virtual Dhamma-places, the thought came into my persons mind: "Indeed, there are seldom people who give without out expecting anything, food (for good ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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Verses and lines of dedication of merits: Does one like to share traditional and personal verbal ways?

Ven. members of the Sangha (coming across here), Valued Upasaka, Upasika, Valued Team here and for awakening seeking readers, whether young or old, lay person or ordained, since child one would be ...
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Dana, Dhamma Talk or Retreat

Was just curious, can doing dana helps in accumulating good karma? What about attending dhamma talk or those retreat? Thanks and sadhu x 3!
Sunset_Limited's user avatar
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Mendicants in the 21st century

Is a life of begging and poverty well suited to the modern world (21st century capitalism)? Not just the will to give it up, but to not suffer for it. Aren't Buddhist monks traditionally mendicants?
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What are the benefits of Dhamma in this very life that could be understood by a beginner?

Please limit the benefits to the here and now, because an ingenious youth hearing the benefit of future rebirths and also hearing hard to grasp concepts of karma might surely say “what’s in it for me ...
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What percent of income do Buddhists give to temples?

From the upaseka precepts: "He levies one sixth of people’s wealth as taxes." I used to just think this was prosocial advice, but for much of Buddhism's history, it has been state supported. ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
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4 answers

Is intention and purpose the same?

Given that there are 'intentions' (cetanā) which lead (if they're not neutral) to either wholesome fruits or unwholesome fruits -- then is the same also true for 'purpose' (sankappa), i.e.: Are there ...
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Is Dana (donation) more about detachment from one's possessions & to break one's ego or is it more about helping others?

Whether it is booking a flight ticket, hotel room, buying an electronic gadget etc there are so many online stores which offer so many deals, that I spend a good deal of time finding the right deal, ...
kilocharlie's user avatar
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What does Buddhism say about the consequences of good and bad behaviour?

Please someone clarify: Does Buddhism believe in rebirth? There is an general belief in almost all religions that our good and bad will be carry forwarded to next and next to next generation and all, ...
Anto S's user avatar
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How should Buddhists receive generosity?

There is a lot of advice about dana and the importance of generosity and giving but is there any advice on how to receive generosity? From a western perspective it can be quite awkward to receive ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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