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2 answers

Which gift has more benefit for the giver? What are the dangers?

There is the case where a person gives toward a monk, having a joyful perception of the good Sangha, while he gives. There is the case where a person assumes a certain monk assuming being a Noble One ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Someone making sacrifices outside the Sangha of Savakas, can such be expected as follower?

If people, maintaining a Buddhist identity, are good, they do whatever sacrifices of which they expect benefit or where they feel touched. Now, when a person gives outside the Savaka-Sangha, outside ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

In how far does/could one hurt himself by giving?

Beings are act-ually stingy because they think or argue, that when giving this, it will hurt be, be of disadvantage for me. Now, what does the Buddha mean by advicing to give when it does not harm ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Could a Sotapanna reject to give if asked and has? [closed]

What does one here think: Is a person, having reached the path, able, would he, reject a request of something material, incl. strength and effort in material spheres, if he could share? In what cases,...
Samana Johann's user avatar