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-1 votes
2 answers

How much worthy to pay for one who keeps precepts, metta?

Say a soldier can be hired for maybe $100 a day: What would be a suitable price to offer that one would live in accordance with the Dhamma, keeping precepts based on metta for all beings, a day?
user23901's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Time, space: real, lasting, own-able?

or uncertain, subject of change, a burden and not own- or control-able, not worthy to fall for? Time to answer and give it up?
youknow's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Proper to let trade carry liberation, even possible?

No question that it isn't proper to let trades for world carry Dhamma, share Dhamma via market places, but what does one think in regard of receiving? Would Dhamma made avaliable by commerce take one ...
user21819's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to handle aversion that derives from perceiving arrogance?

Ven. and good Buddha-Parisata, touched, and who ever interested and willing to give into the matter to get it minded, Who doesn't know the case where another is perceived as arrogant, either because ...
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0 votes
3 answers

What are the benefits of Dhamma in this very life that could be understood by a beginner?

Please limit the benefits to the here and now, because an ingenious youth hearing the benefit of future rebirths and also hearing hard to grasp concepts of karma might surely say “what’s in it for me ...
user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is intention and purpose the same?

Given that there are 'intentions' (cetanā) which lead (if they're not neutral) to either wholesome fruits or unwholesome fruits -- then is the same also true for 'purpose' (sankappa), i.e.: Are there ...
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