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Questions tagged [reference-request]

A question asking for a single text or a set of texts. This can be from a general request on a subject area or a specific request for a text where the questioner knows a fragment or detail of it.

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1 answer

What are the suttas in which the Buddha claimed he was greater than the gods?

There are many people, especially from other religions, who say, ‘The Buddha is just a human being; he is not a god,’ but I know the Buddha is greater than the gods because he attained Nirvana by ...
Nina Harriet's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Examples where inference is used in the suttas

Pramana refers to sources of knowledge in Indian epistemology. The wikipedia article on Pramana states: Buddhism holds two (perception, inference) are valid means ... to knowledge. This sutta ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Zen Master verse about an ‘eternal battle on the temple steps’

I think I once read a Zen Master verse about an “eternal battle on the temple steps”, possibly it was referenced by Hakuin(?). Please could you let me know who said this, and what the verse was?
energeticloaf's user avatar
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Textural reference(s) for Bhadda Kapilani, a practitioner who for many lifetimes made the aspiration to be reborn as a woman?

I just read '. . . Bhadda Kapilani, a practitioner who for many lifetimes made the aspiration to be reborn as a woman.' What are the textural references for this?
vimutti's user avatar
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3 answers

Have large Buddhist reference library to donate

Dear Friends in the Dharma, Over the years i have accumulated a large Buddhist reference library along with other associated topics. The collection together is far more valuable and useful than the ...
Mr_Norman's user avatar
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6 answers

Who are the noble ones and who are their disciples?

In the suttas, we read about the noble ones (ariya) and the disciples of the noble ones (ariyasavaka). Who are the noble ones? Do they include only the four persons who are the stream enterers, once-...
ruben2020's user avatar
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2 answers

Parallel practices in Buddhism to kavacchas

Buddhism although doesn't address the path of the gods for enlightment, it is seen that they are largely addressed for their existence. There are entities - dakinis, pisachinis, etc that are negative ...
Abhas Kumar Sinha's user avatar
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1 answer

In which sutta does Buddha say roughly '..and that would bring me sorrow[sad]?

I recall regarding a sutta awhile back of an encounter between Buddha and some wandering ascetic (not Bahiya). in that, the ascetic might have been too old or whatever, and buddha discourages him and ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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2 answers

Need help finding a Sutta in which the Buddha details the rebirth destination of a soldier

There is one specific Sutta in which the Buddha details the rebirth destination of a patriotic soldier who dies in battle for the sake of his country? Can someone please help me find it. Metta to all.
Nithin Manmohan's user avatar
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1 answer

Reference request: Skulls higher than the Himalayan mountains

I’m looking for a sutta wherein the Buddha talks about the aimless wandering in Samsara and gives several analogies, one of them being about taking all the skulls one has left behind and piled them on ...
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2 answers

How to persuade my mother to stop her infidelity?

I am beginner in journey of way to truth, and life in general, through Buddhism. It's not long since I discovered Buddhism, and it really gives me insight in life. My question is that I'm having ...
Cinderella Sister's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

is jhana required to realize the four supramundane paths?

Where does it say jhanas are necessary (or not) to realize the four supramundane paths (stream-entry, etc)?
blue_ego's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Where is this this story about a pair of shoes, a stupa, and virtuous actions?

A teacher told us this story about virtuous actions that goes something like this: A person passes by a stupa when it is raining. In order to protect the stupa from the rain, they remove their shoes ...
JoJo's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the name and content of this Zen Buddhist koan?

I remember reading offhand on a website a Zen Buddhist Koan that had not worrying as its theme, and one of the lines was "if you're about to go to Hell, don't worry". That's all I can ...
Cosmic Cat's user avatar
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2 answers

Which sūtras about cosmology are being referenced?

The wikipedia page for Buddhist Cosmology has a section titled "Origins" in which the following sentence occurs: No single sūtra sets out the entire structure of the universe, but in ...
Obedear's user avatar
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2 answers

The sutta that describes how little suffering there is

I remember reading a sutta where the Buddha compares how much suffering there is, or grief or pain or whatever, as if it were a grain of sand, or a bit of dirt on the ground, compared to all the ...
yellow-saint's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the source of the Four Dhamma Summaries?

What is the source of the Four Dhamma Summaries? From which sutta does it come from? The world is swept away. It does not endure. The world offers no shelter. There is no one in charge. The world ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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2 answers

Brahmcharyavas : starting, ending

Last question:- "Bramchariyavas has started" -> "ब्रह्मचर्यवास शुरू हुआ"। Did this "occur" to anyone in past and the same has been mentioned in books? What are the ...
Wonderer's user avatar
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Is “there is no such thing as a ‘thing’” a buddhist view?

On the Eleven-ThirtyEight blog, I found the following statement: [...] the Buddha would argue that there is no such thing as a ‘thing’ - that the concept of an independent, autonomous ‘thing’ is an ...
Georges's user avatar
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3 answers

Teachings on truthfulness

In MN 61 the Buddha teaches his young son the importance of being truthful.  This is an amazing sutta! So wise, and yet so elegant and straightforward, that even a seven-year-old can learn something ...
stick-in-hand's user avatar
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1 answer

Source of Ajahn Chah quote

I'd like to read the context for the following quote from Ajahn Chah: I want those who train with me to see the truth, not just read the scriptures. I want them to see if their hearts have been ...
stick-in-hand's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Do all Dhamma teachings aim us at release?

I read the statement recently that all Dhamma teachings aim to produce disenchantment, for the purpose of release / unbinding. Any thoughts on this subject are welcome, but my question is: Which ...
stick-in-hand's user avatar
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2 answers

Are you familiar with a particular AN or SN sutta on bowing?

There is a sutta AN or SN, I believe, I read months ago that discussed about a kingsman who wanted to give respect to the Buddha by bowing but couldn't because he would lose a good job, family, and ...
Carlita's user avatar
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1 answer

Where did the Buddha say: "What a person considers and reflects upon for a long time, to that his mind will bend and incline."?

As the Buddha says, "What a person considers and reflects upon for a long time, to that his mind will bend and incline." The above quote is from Nyanaponika Thera, found here at Access to ...
stick-in-hand's user avatar
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3 answers

Criticism of atman and the vessel analogy

Some Indian Hindu philosophers (AFAIK from the Vaisheshika school) argued for the existence of atman like this: ideas, feelings, desires and knowledge need a vessel in which they are contained. And ...
viuser's user avatar
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4 answers

What's the difference between having a view and clinging to a view?

The Buddha said that clinging is stress. Also, that there are four kinds of clinging: "Monks, there are these four clingings. Which four? Sensuality clinging, view clinging, habit-&-practice ...
stick-in-hand's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Are there any Buddhist scriptures about motivation & discipline?

Is there a sutta suitable for monastics or laypeople, that helps one become motivated when one is having a hard time disciplining themselves?
Lowbrow's user avatar
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looking for a particular sutta

i'm after the sutta where the Buddha says something like 'you can get to know another person if you have some awareness and wisdom, but even then you must live close by and observe them in all their ...
tony's user avatar
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4 answers

Quotes from the Buddha about sexual desire

I am trying to find sources of info of if the Buddha ever explained any reason why we as humans are afflicted by sexual desire. Conventionally we are animals so are innately afflicted with a ...
Remyla's user avatar
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6 answers

Can you break the five precepts (except for lying) if the need arises?

I have come across someone stating that you can break any of the five precepts with exception of lying if the need may arise. Is this true? In Theravada Buddhism.
Rubu's user avatar
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3 answers

Where does the Buddha say, There is no happiness without calm?

Where in the canon does the Buddha say, There is no happiness without calm? I've heard the statement only second hand, and paraphrased.
stick-in-hand's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How do we know 'Buddha says?'

I think I correctly assume this Buddhism site is (appropriately) open to many, if not all, forms of Buddhism(?) However, when folks say things like “Buddha said” I often wonder what to make of this....
Jeffrey Rothweiler's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How Lord Buddha did sermon for the people who was long distance

If my memory is correct, Lord Buddha did a sermon for the long-distance people. It is mentioned that Lord Budha can do a sermon even for someone in another solar system. How is it possible? Because to ...
Lakmal Vithanage's user avatar
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3 answers

Buddha saying he doesn't have to follow all the rules?

In which sutta does the Buddha state that he does not have to follow all the monastic rules and austerities closely because he is already liberated and free, as an arahant? I remember reading this ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Sutta request: One should be fed before being able to listen to a Dhamma talk

The following quote can be found at this link: On the farmer's arrival the Buddha ordered that some food should be given him, and when the man was comforted and his mind was ready the Buddha preached ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Find Sutta: eat first before hearing the teaching

Trying to find the Sutta where Buddha says for some person who has come to hear him teaching something like give him to eat first, and then he can hear my teaching. There was some setup I dont ...
zeleni sok's user avatar
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2 answers

Jataka Story Request: Mindfulness, Radiant Complexion and Grass Simile

I'm looking for a story in the Jataka wherein the Buddha talks about mindfulness and the importance of not living in the past or future. He compares the mind living in the past or future to grass that ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Where did the Buddha say that Teachings that don't contain the Noble Eightfold Path cannot lead to Enlightenment?

Question is in the title. I remember reading that statement in a Theravada Buddhist book or PDF file but now I can't seem to find it. Help would be much appreciated.
user avatar
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1 answer

Four kinds of people. "attahitaya ca patipanno". Good for yourself and others

According to this website, it says... The Buddha classified persons into four kinds on the basis of one’s attitude towards one’s own interest and one’s attitude towards the interest of others. I ...
Jinn Jinn's user avatar
0 votes
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Important literature on Zen Buddhism before the year 1900

I was reading through a history of Buddhism recently, which led me to a famous title called the Shōbōgenzō by Eihei Dōgen, written in the 13th century. I highly recommend this book. I know there is a ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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Looking for a historical text or a contemporary study of such text on how it is that this world is or isn't a "pure land"

Looking for a primary source (an actual historical text) or a secondary source (a formal study of a historical text or texts), on how it is that this world is or isn't a "pure land". ...
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Where does the story of Assaji being eaten alive come from?

In Osamu Tezuka's manga Buddha, Assaji was eaten alive by wolves or wild dogs. I always thought the manga artist came up with a lot of his own original stories. Because this story and others are not ...
dictum's user avatar
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Suttas of 6 qualities of dhamma

The 6 qualities of the Dhamma are Svakkhato, 2. Samditthiko, 3. Akaliko, 4. Ehipassiko, 5. Opaneyiko, 6. Paccattam veditabbo vinnunhi according to here. This website claims that the source is ...
Jinn Jinn's user avatar
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Reference request where Buddha calls a monk "janitor"

Iirc there is a text where the Buddha called a monk "janitor" for being devoted to cleaning. It's probably in the Dhp commentary but i am not sure. Two monks ordained, one spent his time ...
user23924's user avatar
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4 answers

Where does it say "in-between worlds"?

I don't know where I am getting all these ideas; perhaps it's my failing memory, or whatever. But which sutta does it say something about, " worlds..."? I'm fairly certain I ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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4 answers

Who first claimed that "Gautama Buddha gained enlightenment"?

Some people said to me that , Gautama Buddha never made claims about himself that he had gained enlightenment and on the other hand, some people say that's not true. Some people have also said to me ...
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3 votes
3 answers

In which sutta does the Buddha discuss his attitudes toward his audience either understanding or not understanding his teaching?

I am writing an essay on Buddhist nonattachment, in which I argue that nonattachment is compatible with a wide range of affective states and intimate relationships (contra some popular philosophical ...
Dustin Gallegly's user avatar
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Why do many Buddhists hold on to views?

I am not very experienced with Buddhism, but I do think I have read several suttas teaching that it is not good to hold on to views, and that the Buddha doesn't teach what the universe is like, but ...
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A collection of stories about Buddha past lives

Where can i find the collection of these stories about Buddha past lives? Any book or video about this stories especially stream-enterer in series or probably some before this stage. One life before i ...
little star's user avatar
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3 answers

Sutta references for hindrances and jhana related statements

In the YouTube video entitled "Characteristics of a Sotapanna", Ven. Dhammavuddho Mahathera stated (with some paraphrasing): So who are the people who do not have the five hindrances? In ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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