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Questions tagged [ethics]

Skillful and unskillful thought, speech and action. These questions include but are not limited to questions on the vinaya and precepts.

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3 answers

Why would a selfish intention/action be superior to a selfless one?

In this comment it was pointed out as per AN 4:95 that one who practises solely for one’s benefits is better than one who practises solely for others’ benefits. While the best of the 4 types of ...
Desmon's user avatar
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1 answer

Other sentient beings on our planet

Humans are sure they're the peak of evolution, even though we evolved as top predators and still en mass treat the planet as if we're top predators even if we're not directly officially involved in ...
Johanna Squire's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Lineage change possibility

I formerly practiced with the local Shambhala group. I took my Refuge Vows there, received some random Buddhist name that had nothing to do with my studies or who I am; and was told I was now a member ...
Farish Cunning's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How to deal with overtaking personal space and decision making?

Some time ago I had to deal with overtaking personal space and personal decision making by some close relatives. He/They were some family members (Not in the same house or family). They advised my ...
Pycm's user avatar
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4 answers

Should we venerate the Sangha or just the Noble Sangha?

As a young Buddhist, I was taught to respect members of the order and venerate the Sangha. Recently, I was told that the word Sangha only refers to the Noble Sangha (i.e. Ariya-sangha not Sammuti-...
Desmon's user avatar
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5 answers

Buddhist explanation of self-worth/self-esteem?

I am currently doing some emotional work, and in the process, I am recognizing that I have low self-worth and self-esteem. So, I am wondering, what are the roots of this? I mean, this clearly exists ...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
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4 answers

Should Buddhists support Louisiana mandating Christian morality commandments in schools?

A bill signed into law this week makes Louisiana the only state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom, in public schools and colleges because they claim there is no ...
Lowbrow's user avatar
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3 answers

Is karma a virtue ethics?

Is karma a virtue ethics? I know that some people link the path to virtues such as wisdom or charity, but what about the theory of karma in general? I am asking because I wondered whether unvirtuous ...
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4 answers

16 Worldview Questions For Buddhists

Good evening, everyone! I'm curious about the Buddhist worldview and would like answers to these sixteen worldview questions. I rely heavily on James W. Sire's worldview questions from his book The ...
Craig A's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Using ChatGPT to submit an assignment, a Buddhist perspective

Was trying to help an undergrad with his assignment with another friend. This friend started advising the undergrad to use ChatGPT to do his assignments while the undergrad was complaining that it ...
Desmon's user avatar
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2 answers

Are monks and lay people 100% allowed to sell sacred, consecrated or blessed images and objects?

I learned that the monks of a monastery draw and consecrate or bless sacred images and then resell them. Is all this permitted by the law of dharma? Don't we fall into materialism by commodifying the ...
CaneRandagio's user avatar
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5 answers

What are the limits of Buddhist compassion?

Compassion seems to be a central insight in Buddhist thought. When someone truly grasps Buddhist ideas they find themselves de-emphasizing their own ego, and understanding that they're interconnected ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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2 answers

how to deal with dogmatic people

Quick question. How do I deal with the kind of people who do not know THE first thing about a topic and they would pretend as if they are experts in it; and impose their opinions on the conversation ...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

True versus Correct in uttered speech

In the below passage from MN 58 In the same way, prince, the Realized One does not utter speech that he knows to be untrue, false, and pointless, and which is disliked by others. The Realized One ...
zeno's user avatar
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7 answers

Answering Zizek's challenge to Buddhism

Slavoj Zizek is a little unusual I think among English-speaking philisophers, in expressing substantial sympathy for Buddhist ideas, but challenging them at a basic level. Eg The Problems of Buddhism (...
CriglCragl's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Is it correct view, as in renunciation, or desire, to want to die

I am not asking about depression or suicidal thoughts but the actual aspiration for this life/human experience to end. So of course the desire for material and immaterial existence (rebirths) are ...
Remyla's user avatar
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2 answers

In what form or fashion might it be ethical to "bestow" consciousness on an AI? A question and conversation with ChatGPT:

Given the dramatic progress in Artificial Intelligence over the last year (ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Bing, etc) I have been thinking about the ethical implications of attempts to replicate human-like ...
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5 answers

Merit versus Virtue

What is the difference between merit and virtue from a Buddhist standpoint? Is it the difference between being and doing? Which is better from a karmic perspective? I think the idea of merit in ...
fruit punch's user avatar
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2 answers

When was *sila* first interpreted/translated as ethics?

I am curious about the idea of calling sila (all precepts and vows) as ethics. When did this translation appeared? Or who interpreted sila as ethics or something similar to ethics? This is not to say ...
HomagetoManjushri's user avatar
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1 answer

What do "contradictions" mean in Buddhist philosophy?

I read another answer here which discussed avoiding actions that lead to "contradictions" (such as lying, stealing), which are considered "evil". The answer was in response to ...
plast1cd0nk3y's user avatar
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10 answers

Where does morality come from in Buddhism?

I have a hypothetical question. Let's say I don't believe in karma, reincarnation, or any deities of any sort. I also saw in some texts and videos that, to achieve higher awareness, I should not ...
QuestionEverything's user avatar
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7 answers

Is exposing immoral behavior divisive speech?

Imagine a journalist writing about the crimes of a mafia boss or corruption in a dictatorial government, and other people pounce on history and share it on social media. Is what the Jornalist and/or ...
Robert Michel's user avatar
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5 answers

Difference between optimism and expectation

In vipassana we are asked to be optimist. But buddha said expectation is the cause of all suffering. . Is there any difference between expectation and optimism?
quanity's user avatar
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4 answers

Two contradictory passages in the Majjhima Nikaya

In MN 22 in the end of the simile of the raft the Buddha says that the arahant has relinquished both what is skillful and what is unskilful: "Understanding the Dhamma as taught compared to a ...
PDT's user avatar
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5 answers

How to deal with immense guilt over past acts of cruelty? Is sincere repentance and striving really enough?

I won't go into details, but I am dealing with horrible guilt and shame over cruel acts I have committed in the past. It feels like I am now come to terms with the significance of these actions, and ...
Narran's user avatar
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1 answer

Are the titles “lama” and “rinpoche” given or self-proclaimed?

Are the titles “lama” and “rinpoche”, referring to a Buddhist teacher or leader, titles that are granted? Or are they titles that someone can give themselves? Or both? By “granted” I mean they require ...
Richard Cosgrove's user avatar
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5 answers

Is identifying with the good always a problem?

When a person or a group of people identify themselves with "the good" (in opposition to "not so good" or even "the evil" of others), quite often this can lead to "...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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12 answers

Is Buddhism a teaching of neutrality or "siding with the good"

In situations involving lies and/or violence, does Buddhism teach siding with the good against the bad, or does it teach neutrality i.e. staying outside the conflict and not taking sides? Specifically,...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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2 answers

False Virtue and True Virtue [closed]

Does any Buddhist school teach about False (fake, hypocritical) Virtue (goodwill, goodness)? What it is, how common it is, how it differs from the true authentic virtue, perhaps its causes and its ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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3 answers

Sexual Misconduct involving Breast (Women)?

I have read somewhere (possibly Dalai Lama) that certain sexual activity comes under sexual misconduct (like Oral, Anal ...). So my question is whether using breast for sexual activity is considered ...
Manish Kumar Singh's user avatar
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5 answers

How closely aligned are Buddhist ethics and Nietzschean values?

How closely aligned are Buddhist ethics and Nietzschean values? I know a little about both, and may even have read a comparative study (some time ago). Was hoping to harmonise them via 'karma': the ...
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11 votes
9 answers

Will working for a company that engages in animal experimentation to alleviate suffering of humans be wrong livelihood?

I have been lurking here for a long time, but I made an account just to ask this because I am very conflicted, and I think some of you here maybe able to help me like you have many times before ...
zazenwallstreet's user avatar
2 votes
8 answers

Isn't giving to attain good Kamma "greedy" and therefore Unwholesome (akusala)?

I'm currently reading In the Buddha's Words by Ven. Bikkhu Bodhi. In the introduction to The Way to a Fortunate Rebirth he states that the roots of what make an action unwholesome (akusala) are: &...
RustyFluff's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Can someone be literally reborn in lower realms due to unskillful thoughts and emotions?

I often wonder myself if the buddhist teachings says that realms are mental states, realities based on external conditions or a combination of the two. Why is that? For example: "There's the ...
Mrcp82's user avatar
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2 answers

Did Buddha endorse caste system in kannakathala sutta

Some Brahmins say Buddha endorsed caste system in kannakathala sutta
Vithashoka's user avatar
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2 answers

Are the Five Precepts a gradual training?

In this answer it's said that the Five Precepts are not a form of gradual training. Are they are a gradual training? If not, why? Thank you for your time.
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5 answers

Compulsive desire to correct others

I'm often trying to correct others' views, opinions, and lifestyles. I feel a strong urge to correct when their actions are clearly bringing negative consequences for themselves and others. For ...
Damocle Damoclev's user avatar
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3 answers

Is masturbation a sin when we do it to avoid intercourse with other people?

I masturbate to avoid having sex with other people. I've masturbated quite a lot. I don't want to have sexual intercourse with anyone else though I love sex. I've been keeping my body away from sexual ...
bettyle49511's user avatar
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3 answers

Attitude towards harmful behaviors

Whenever I'm confronted with behaviours I find potentially harmful, I get angry. One example of this is when I witness motorists speeding or otherwise making risky maneuvers (going after the light has ...
Mobius's user avatar
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2 answers

In Buddhist ethics, where does personal responsibility end?

Regarding the teachings on virtue, not considering the more advanced teachings (such as Dependent Origination), did the Buddha ever speak of where the sphere of personal responsibility ends? The ...
arturovm's user avatar
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Is it ok to watch a media that promote homosexuality?

this is my first post I have researched what the buddhist sutra says about Homosexuality...I found Saddhama Smrty Uposttana sutra and Upasakasila sutra that said homosexuality is sexual misconduct and ...
LoveJeju's user avatar
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4 answers

Right action when being lied to

If a family member has been dishonest with me, and upon discussing the issue denies the lie, what is the best action?
Lineke Pearson's user avatar
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1 answer

Is actively reporting wrongdoing considered divisive speech?

I've been reading through the newest version of the code of conduct of the company I work for, and I've been weighing each rule against my Buddhist ethics, and it has brought up some interesting ...
arturovm's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this considered wrong? (Related to art)

I have a question. I like to draw, and recently think of selling my art (commisssion). But I mainly draw fanart (fanart of celebrities, movie characters, etc). My question is, in Buddhism, is selling ...
iyi lau's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this considered sexual misconduct?

If a person have a small Buddha statue in their room and they (sorry) masturbated in that room, is it considered sexual misconduct? Sorry if this question is unappropiate.
iyi lau's user avatar
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3 answers

How to deal with people who try to prove your compassion is fake? [closed]

Some people believe that their compassion is holier than yours. Firstly they do not understand what compassion is and Secondly they question your genuineness of compassion. I will not explain ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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4 answers

Are accepted social norms and the law of the land moral sexual conduct according to Buddhism?

I read the following on the internet: In my opinion, Buddha looks at sex from four angles. Hindrance to attain Nibbana or even one-pointedness Generally accepted social norms. Kindness towards ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Vaccination, Ethics and Morals

During the present times, there is an excessive need to vaccinate people, but what I have noticed is that when one wishes to scrutinize this action, when one wants to ask viable, pertinent and ...
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4 answers

Translation of Akkosa Sutta: Insult - ."He who repays an angry man in kind Is worse than the angry man"

Listed below are three translations of Akkosa Sutta provided in access to in access to insight Which translation has the correct meaning? The third translation is not far from the common ethics i.e., ...
Epic's user avatar
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2 answers

Is inventing "defensive" biological weapons right livelihood?

I read the following on the internet: Working for DoD contractors could give a very fat paycheck. However, there're ethical issues involved. If you decide to work for them, make sure to make it clear ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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