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Questions tagged [sutras]

A type of literary composition in of varying length. In Buddhism this mostly refers to canonical texts. Sutras is a Sanskrit term however the Pali term sutta is often used by certain traditions. The two terms are equivalent.

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Seeking the sources for a story

I have heard the following story, from a source I do not consider very reliable. Are there sources for this story? A Buddhist nun has killed a bandit deliberately (not in an act of self-defense, but ...
Sam's user avatar
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Is Sallatha Sutta's mental-physical paradigm confusing?

Sallatha Sutta says: "Now, the well-instructed disciple of the noble ones, when touched with a feeling of pain, does not sorrow, grieve, or lament, does not beat his breast or become distraught. ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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3 answers

In Buddhism, is 'dana' (charity) have any eligibility criteria like Hinduism?

In Hinduism, as per Dharmashastras, Puranas and several other scriptures, charity should only be given to brahmanas learned in Vedas and nobody else. Every other person, no matter how poor they are, ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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Does Sutta Nipata say this quote?

From a book called Pruning the Bodhi Tree the author writes in the Suttanipata (oldest Pali discourses?) the following is replied by Sakyamuni: Without ordinary perception (conception), without ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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I heard in a DhammaTalk, "You enjoy more, you finish your blessings quickly. "

It is like if you leave a normal life and don't do evil. But still may end up in lower 3 realms if keep enjoying and finish your blessing. What does this mean? Does a layperson have to not enjoy at ...
ayushkadbe's user avatar
-1 votes
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Definite places of rebirth (request of sources from Buddhas sutras)

I'm looking for sources from the 4 nikayas on where, and how to "attain" a defined place of rebirth. Examples I know of: Heinous actions lead to definite hell realm rebirth Reaching ...
Remyla's user avatar
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Reference request for believing there are no sages who can see beyond the physical world

Originally thought it was among some of the list of downfalls but couldn't find it there. I remember hearing somewhere in the suttas perhaps the unskillfulness of believing there are no sages who can ...
vimutti's user avatar
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5 answers

What did the Buddha teach regarding remorse?

This is a question of practical interest. My personal practice is generally to feel guilty for bad deeds, but today I tried admitting fault and guilt without feeling guilty, and it was much less ...
Jeff Bogdan's user avatar
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What is the Sanskrit root word for “ viññāṇa”?

In dependent origination , the word “ viññāṇa” arises and it is translated as consciousness. I am not satisfied and I guess some other members of this site are also not satisfied because then the ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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3 answers

What is "feature of beauty" in MN 5?

Questions: What is "feature of beauty" in MN 5? Why does the type of person mentioned ("the person who doesn’t have a blemish but does not understand it"), focus on it? And why ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Need help finding a Sutta in which the Buddha details the rebirth destination of a soldier

There is one specific Sutta in which the Buddha details the rebirth destination of a patriotic soldier who dies in battle for the sake of his country? Can someone please help me find it. Metta to all.
Nithin Manmohan's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

How can i make it cloudy and gray?

I understand that the storm gods are the cause. I hope the sun never returns. How can I appease or offer those gods to have my wish?
blue_ego's user avatar
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What do the Four Great Elements refer to?

The Four Great Elements quite literally translate to Earth, Wind (Air), Fire, Water. It is often taught that these are really descriptions of first person experience, and the monikers are just ...
Jbag1212's user avatar
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Why is Avalokiteśvara the "main character" of the Heart Sutra?

I'm a Zen practicant and, as you may know, we recite the Heart Sutra of the Perfect Wisdom a lot. I really like this sutra, it is very meaningful. However something I never understood is: why is the ...
Ergative Man's user avatar
-1 votes
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Justifications for why there are no mentions of Nirodha Samapatti in the earliest stratum of the Pali canon?

As the title states, there are no explicit references to Nirodha Samapatti in what is widely considered to be the earliest stratum of the Pali canon (which includes texts such as the Sutta Nipata, ...
user3294195's user avatar
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Basic abridged suttas in English and only English for chanting along with TTS

I can't find concise suttas in English anywhere. I found them before Google and Bing changed so that you can't find anything. By basic I mean all the suttas that you would hear at a meditation retreat ...
Lowbrow's user avatar
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For contact, can eye, sights, and eye-consciousness arise but NOT meet?

From MN 148 Bhante Sujato Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. Bhikkhu Bodhi Dependent on the eye and forms, eye-consciousness arises; the ...
triplej's user avatar
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What does Bhikkhu Bodhi mean by "mind objects"?

From the Six Sets of Six MN 148. English Dependent on the mind and mind objects, mind-consciousness arises. The meeting of the three is contact; with contact as condition there is feeling; with ...
triplej's user avatar
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What does discourse AN 9.37 describe?

From AN 9.37: Ven. Ānanda said, “It’s amazing, friends, it’s astounding, how the Blessed One who knows & sees, the worthy one, rightly self-awakened, has attained & awakened to an opening [in ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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3 answers

Which sūtras about cosmology are being referenced?

The wikipedia page for Buddhist Cosmology has a section titled "Origins" in which the following sentence occurs: No single sūtra sets out the entire structure of the universe, but in ...
Obedear's user avatar
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The sutta that describes how little suffering there is

I remember reading a sutta where the Buddha compares how much suffering there is, or grief or pain or whatever, as if it were a grain of sand, or a bit of dirt on the ground, compared to all the ...
yellow-saint's user avatar
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Are you familiar with a particular AN or SN sutta on bowing?

There is a sutta AN or SN, I believe, I read months ago that discussed about a kingsman who wanted to give respect to the Buddha by bowing but couldn't because he would lose a good job, family, and ...
Carlita's user avatar
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what is Mahaggataṃ citam? is it related to out of body experience?

the typical translation of Mahaggataṃ citam is , exalted , or expanded mind? and in MN 127...two types of cetovimutti described. (1)mahaggatā cetovimutti (expanded freedom of mind) it related to ...
enRaiser's user avatar
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Quotes from the Buddha about sexual desire

I am trying to find sources of info of if the Buddha ever explained any reason why we as humans are afflicted by sexual desire. Conventionally we are animals so are innately afflicted with a ...
Remyla's user avatar
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Referencing MN 121, how to focus on the oneness dependent on the perception of the dimension of infinite space?

Referencing MN 121 '...focuses on the oneness dependent on the perception of the dimension of infinite space...' As I understand the perception of the dimension of space is the experience inside ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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Sutra Opening Verse

I have noticed that most sutras (Mahayana) have this opening verse. What is the story behind it? Do all sutras have this opening verse? Is it compulsory to have it, say, if it's for Mahayana?
Banana Tech's user avatar
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Buddhist's teaching on grief?

💚Was there any wisdom, any words of clarity about how to handle grief in the Buddhist scriptures or in a good teacher's interpretation? Is grief a unique mind state? Is it lobha based?
Lowbrow's user avatar
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Kalama Sutta only about Kilesas?

I found an explanation of Kalama Sutta in a website which is said to be from a Tipitaka teacher in Sri Lanka. Is Kalama Sutta only about Kilesas? Kālāma sutta is only to be applied for Lobha-dosa-...
Blake's user avatar
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Why didn't the Buddha mention about the omniscience of "future of other beings", in suttas?

In many suttas, the Buddha affirms his omniscience about the past of all the beings. Why didn't the Buddha say something about his omniscience about the future of all the beings, in suttas?
Blake's user avatar
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Can someone help me find where these suttas are from in the Tipitaka?

First text screenshot says MLD. 131. Where is that from? Second text screenshot says M. 19. Where is that from? Screenshots are taken from Ven. Dhammajivas book called Mahasi Insight Meditation.
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Sutta request: One should be fed before being able to listen to a Dhamma talk

The following quote can be found at this link: On the farmer's arrival the Buddha ordered that some food should be given him, and when the man was comforted and his mind was ready the Buddha preached ...
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Find Sutta: eat first before hearing the teaching

Trying to find the Sutta where Buddha says for some person who has come to hear him teaching something like give him to eat first, and then he can hear my teaching. There was some setup I dont ...
zeleni sok's user avatar
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Is Krishna a demon?

I've read in several articles that the Lalitavistara identifies Krishna as leader of the "black demons" and is an enemy of the Buddha. I've only been able to check the 84000 translation from ...
M-2's user avatar
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Looking for a quote, sutta or teaching about suffering not decreasing with succedent stages of enlightenment

I have heard about this before from a video teaching I watched before but I honestly cannot remember from who or where. The idea of the concept is that as one progresses upon the stages towards arhant ...
Remyla's user avatar
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Is the Buddha advocating delighting in sensuality in SN 42.12?

There are a few questions I have about this Sutta (SN 42.12 Rasiya Sutta) based on the following passages: They make themselves happy and pleased. This is the second ground for praise. They don’t ...
PDT's user avatar
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Where is the sutra source of Buddha[s] (plural) existing and blessing peoples minds?

Tibetan/Mahayana Buddhists believe in such a thing, that somehow specific Buddhas exist....somewhere and emanate in forms in the world and are able to bless other peoples minds. My question is where ...
Remyla's user avatar
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10 answers

What's the role of "conceit" in the Dhamma?

I read the following on the internet: Some rules assume the conceit, "I am". Importantly, Buddhist rules do not. For example, take the first three rules of MN8: MN8:12.2: ‘Others will be ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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What's the role of "blameless" in the Dhamma?

The word "blameless" is often used in suttas: AN 4.62 suggests it's highly good: Seeing clearly — the wise one — he ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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Where did the Buddha teach about the "flow of tears"?

Bhikkhu Sujato's translation of SN 15.3: As we understand the Buddha’s teaching, the flow of tears we’ve shed while roaming and transmigrating is more than the water in the four oceans. Where else ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Why is Chapter 15 of the SN not 'Eternalism'?

Saṁyutta Nikāya (SN) 15.3 when translated by Ven. Sujato says: Transmigration (samsara) has no known beginning. No first point is found of sentient beings roaming and transmigrating, hindered by ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Mercy killing (not assisted suicide) and the ramifications of the karmic action

Of course one of the 4 imponderables is the results of karma. I am just asking if there is any sutta explanation on the effect of killing with malice compared to mercy killing? Difference between ...
Remyla's user avatar
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Looking for sutta about purification of fish, turtles, etc

Is there are sutta in which the Buddha says if bathing in Ganges River could purify beings; then the fish, turtles, crocodiles, etc, would be purified?
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Which sutta(s) say that Rahula was the Buddha's son?

I have seen some suttas where the Buddha addressed Rahula. Are there suttas which explicitly state that Rahula was the Buddha's son, or does this come from the commentary?
Jbag1212's user avatar
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Can a layperson/householder live the 'Holy Life'?

I read the following (here) on the internet: Not able to take on the Jīva (stand/robe of the Arahats, eg. right view, leaving home), what should/can a house/stand-maintainer expect to validate holy ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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SN 12.35- why is there no living the holy life?

SN 12.35 says: “Not a valid question,” the Blessed One replied. “Bhikkhu, whether one says, ‘What now is aging-and-death, and for whom is there this aging-and-death?’ or whether one says, ‘Aging-and-...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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SN 12.35: why do both phrases have the same meaning?

SN 12.35 says: “Not a valid question,” the Blessed One replied. “Bhikkhu, whether one says, ‘What now is aging-and-death, and for whom is there this aging-and-death?’ or whether one says, ‘Aging-and-...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Why is "jīva" translated as "soul"?

SN 12.35 is translated by Bhikkhus Sujato, Bodhi & Thanissaro as follows: Mendicant, if you have the view that the soul and the body are the same thing, there is no living of the spiritual life. ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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What is MN 116 ( paccekabuddha sutta) about?

MN 26 describes the Buddha after his awakening, as follows: If I were to teach the Dhamma, others would not understand me, and that would be wearying and troublesome for me.’ Thereupon there came to ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Need a list of all the people in Buddhas life

I need a list of all the people mentioned in the Pali canon who were in the story of the historic Gautama the Buddha. For e.g. Angulimal, Ananda etc. I did a google search for the same but did not ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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What are those "deck of cards" objects that various sutras are printed on?

I used to go to a Tibetan Buddhist community where they were constantly reading Buddhist scriptures off of little stacks of cards. They were wide aspect ratio, and had the syllables of various mantras ...
MrSynAckSter's user avatar

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