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Questions tagged [brahmavihara]

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3 votes
2 answers

What is meant by awareness-release, ...?

In "The Sublime Attitudes" the word "release" appears multiple times. What is meant by "awareness-release"? What is meant by "release of awareness"? Do both ...
Newton's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Upekṣā (equanimity) a feeling or simply numbness?

Is Upekṣā (equanimity) a certain kind of feeling which if attained, everyone will feel in a similar way, or its a kind of numbness to sensory input? From the wiki the definition of equanimity says is ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

What's the role of altruism in Buddhism?

In discussions about how to translate words such as averena (a negation of some quality), I've seen two general kinds of answer: or the compound word is not just the negation of the suffix, but its ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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3 answers

How does Emotional Intelligence go along with Dhamma practice?

Emotional intelligence is an ability to deal with one's emotions. I am wondering how does it affect and get affected by the practice of the Dhamma? Does deeper meditative absorption lead to heightened ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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3 answers

How to prolong the abiding in a Brahmavihara?

Buddha has encouraged the practisioners to abide in the four Brahmaviharas.(Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksha) I have experience of Upeksha or Equianimity. After doing sitting meditation both Zazen ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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1 answer

Why vinaya forbids monk to ordain physically handicapped?

Isn't this a kind of "opposite to empathy, compassion, metta"? Nowdays, householders(not all) have cruel behaviour towards handicapped ones. If monk also declines to help, would that be called as ...
funny's user avatar
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5 answers

Understanding compassion fatigue from a buddhist point of view

For the last couple of years there has been growing research on so called compassion fatigue among social workers/therapists/social workers, and their likes. In short, compassion fatigue can be ...
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2 votes
7 answers

Help Me Choose which meditation i Should do Anapanasati or Brahmaviharas?

I have been going through this dilemma for almost a year now in choosing a meditation object.. I only wish to take one meditation object.The reason being i maintain this object through out the day ...
Akashad's user avatar
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4 answers

Whatever bad deed done with this deed-born body is all to be experienced here

In the context of the sutta below, what does the following phrase mean? - "whatever bad deed I did here in the past with this deed-born body is all to be experienced here. It will not follow along" (...
ruben2020's user avatar
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1 answer

Metta meditation ever taught to householders?

Are there references that the Buddha taught such as metta-meditation to householders (wordlings, without complete Sila), giving ground for hypocritical practice, agree with such, in manners of: "There ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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7 answers

No compassion, goodwill for oneself?

Someone, possible thought it might be compassionate, stated: Also (next to compassion), when you spread loving kindness, do NOT spread it to yourself. No where in any discourse does the Buddha says ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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How to cultivate Equanimity?

Question is grammatically similar to this question but different in content. Apparently, Equanimity is not indifference but a feeling in itself. According to the Note at the bottom of Potaliya Sutta.;...
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3 answers

Importance of the first three Brahmaviharas in Theravadan Buddhism

So while reading a lot of teachings, especially "higher" teachings, a great deal is mentioned about dispassion in worldy things, unattractiveness in the body and various contemplations on death. It's ...
Val's user avatar
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Inter-relation between the four brahmaviharas?

I read once, online, someone (perhaps in the Tibetan tradition if that matters) saying that the four brahmaviharas are inter-related -- in particular, that too much of one is counteracted by a bit of ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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The monk who ignored his visiting wife and infant son

The following story comes in Udana 1.8. It is about a monk by the name of Sanghamaji, who, when seated under a tree, was visited by his former wife, carrying their infant son. She tried several times ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Best way to develop different meditation practices (simultaneously or not)

I got introduced to Buddhist meditation through the practice of meta and the cultivation of the four bramaviharas. It was going well but I decided I needed the ability to separate my ego and my will. ...
Eoin's user avatar
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4 answers

Anapanasati with Dhatu Manasikara

In Maha-Rahulovada Sutta monk Rahula asks the Buddha for instructions on developing Anapanasati. The Buddha didn't directly give instructions to him of Anapanasaati but instead, gives instructions on ...
Akila Hettiarachchi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Verses and lines of dedication of merits: Does one like to share traditional and personal verbal ways?

Ven. members of the Sangha (coming across here), Valued Upasaka, Upasika, Valued Team here and for awakening seeking readers, whether young or old, lay person or ordained, since child one would be ...
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2 answers

References on Rupa and Arupa Jhana through Brahma Vihara

I am looking for freely available resource on achievement of Jhana through Brahmavihara. What are such references? Also I would like to dig deeper into what Bhanthe Vimalasiri has written on the ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
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5 answers

Does practicing Brahmavihara to get insights leads to Nibbana?

I read the books of Bhante Vimalaramsi that is using the practice of Brahmavihara to reach a state that is called Tranquil Aware Jhana and then to generate insights from the fourth rupa Jhana. Has ...
Haldir87's user avatar
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3 answers

practicing the brahma viharas in meditation

Is there clear instruction about how one should practice the brahma viharas in the teachings? Should one go through each one in order [metta - karuna - mudita - upekkha] or is it possible to do i.e. ...
OidaOudenEidos's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What are metta and karuna?

I'm wondering what these terms, mettā and karuṇā (loving-kindness and compassion), mean. Are there suttas in which they're defined, otherwise where do the definitions come from? Is there any ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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2 answers

How to maintenance equanimity in the daily life?

I would like to understand in the short and simple how to deal in the daily life. When I have the emotion and I feel the sensation i.e. cold in my palm, what should I do next? I aware that this ...
user5664's user avatar
10 votes
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What is the difference between 'compassion' and 'pity'?

This page of Dhamma Lists includes, Four Brahma-viharas (Highest Attitudes/Emotions) Heavenly or sublime abodes (best home). Near enemy is a quality that can masquerade as the original, but is ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Practice of the other three Brahmaviharas

Metta has received plenty of attention and focus of practice. Even a search of Buddhism SE shows over 170 posts with the word "metta" in it. Comparatively, the other three Brahmaviharas are not so ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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