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Questions tagged [sexuality]

How Buddhist practice relates to human sexuality and sexual relationships. Topics can include sexual practices, heterosexuality, homosexuality and transgender issues.

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Did I imagine that official tantric sex without orgasms is extremely dangerous for the practitioner?

Did I imagine that official tantric sex without orgasms is extremely dangerous for the practitioner? I cannot recall where I may have read this (and it is extremely unlikely anyone has ever told me it)...
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3 answers

Sexual visualizations during retreats

I’ve been going to Vipassana meditation retreats for a while now. Every single time, I am plagued by sex idea and fantasies, almost like going crazy by it. During the sittings sometimes the whole hour ...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
-3 votes
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Ejaculation and the brain

I’m just curious if anyone has noticed what I am noticing. When I ejaculate, in that exact moment, there is a weird sensation in my head. This sensation is about half the duration of the orgasm, so ...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
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5 answers

Feeling scared/ having aversion to looking at "pretty" women

I have been doing buddhist practices and trying to keep the precepts for a few months, after an intensive retreat. I have been noticing recently that I have automatically started to avoid looking at ...
zantamaduno's user avatar
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Vimalakirti Sutra -- A License for Drinking and Visiting Brothels?

I have heard from the Vimalakirti Sutra that Vimalakirti was a householder who drank and visited prostitutes; but he was foremost in wisdom and Buddhist practice?! I heard the Buddha sent monks to him ...
Aditya Sawdekar's user avatar
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Sexuality, marriage and the fourth precept

Let's say a person were to seek for, and enter a monogamous heterosexual relationship and eventually marriage, but actually he or she is either homosexual or bisexual (but more inclined to ...
buddhistperson's user avatar
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6 answers

What is sex without attachment to sense pleasure actually like?

What is sex without attachment to sense pleasure actually like? Does it feel different? Do you only ever have sex to please the other person? I'm asking both about the relationship and the act itself. ...
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Sexual Misconduct involving Breast (Women)?

I have read somewhere (possibly Dalai Lama) that certain sexual activity comes under sexual misconduct (like Oral, Anal ...). So my question is whether using breast for sexual activity is considered ...
Manish Kumar Singh's user avatar
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What's the karmic cause for homosexuality? [duplicate]

Is being homosexual a result of poor karma? Or is it because of the person's habit in his/her past life? Or perhaps it's because the person likes and supports same-sex couple in his/her past life?
iyin's user avatar
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Sexual deviance (zoophilia, etc)

If homosexuality is okay because it is never explicitly stated in the canonical texts, then how about zoophilia, or necrophilia? Those aren't explicitly stated in the texts too, so are those 'okay'?
iyin's user avatar
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Is masturbation a sin when we do it to avoid intercourse with other people?

I masturbate to avoid having sex with other people. I've masturbated quite a lot. I don't want to have sexual intercourse with anyone else though I love sex. I've been keeping my body away from sexual ...
bettyle49511's user avatar
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Are accepted social norms and the law of the land moral sexual conduct according to Buddhism?

I read the following on the internet: In my opinion, Buddha looks at sex from four angles. Hindrance to attain Nibbana or even one-pointedness Generally accepted social norms. Kindness towards ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Oral sex and semen swallowing

My girlfriend does oral sex and she likes to swallow my sperm during sex. Will these activities violate any precep? Will swallowing of semen violate the no killing precet and are sperm cells ...
luigiman's user avatar
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7 answers

When is it love? When is it attachment?

I have this misunderstanding about love and attachment as they relate to one another. It's hard to put in words, so I'll try with some examples first. My understanding is that love is something you ...
Pips's user avatar
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Buddha's view on sexuality

In contemporary society (apart from religion) sex is mostly seen as something pleasurable, which is done even without considering childbearing. As far as I can see, Buddha taught extensively to lay ...
F2TF's user avatar
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Eightfold path & gender dysphoria

Would the eightfold path help someone transcend gender dysphoria? Is gender dysphoria a matter of clinging or a matter of hardwired biology?
Lowbrow's user avatar
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Can homosexual monks or nuns ordain, if not WHY?

Namo Buddhaya! (I am a Theravada Buddhist) The Vinaya says monks & nuns cannot be together in private (it would be an offense). But what if someone is a homosexual, how would they go about ...
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How do monks transcend the desire for relationships & sex?

Being a 'genuine' monk means a certain kind of dispassion towards the world. How is sexuality & 'relationship craving' effectively dealt within a monk? I am pretty sure a lot of monks struggle ...
Mr. Jabato's user avatar
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Would the Buddha have considered engaging in anal sex as breaking the 1st and/or 5th precept?

Would the Buddha have considered engaging in anal sex as breaking the 1st and/or 5th precepts? I would like to know this as I am trying to better understand the 5 precepts.
Angus's user avatar
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Is it forbidden in Thai/Buddhist religion for a woman to perform consensual oral sex on someone?

Is it forbidden in Thailand and Buddhist religion for a Thai adult female living in the western world to perform consensual oral sex on someone?
Kye's user avatar
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Sexual Ethics in Buddhism

I have a couple of questions regarding the Viewpoints of sexuality in Buddhism for lay people. Why is lust seen as being unskillful? Lay-people are lay-people because they don't want to renounce ...
Mr. Jabato's user avatar
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Three Questions about Sexual Desire

I am wondering a few questions in regard to sexual desire and Buddhism. Is fantasizing a form of craving and thus worse than sexual activity without it? What are the mental processes involved? How ...
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5 answers

Sexual thoughts coming with full pace to silent mind

I'm being very mindful and aware nowadays. My mind is now very much quite and I am able to watch handful of thoughts in day to day life. The problem is at a particular instant of quite mind, sexual ...
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Can a girl & a boy be friends

I didn't use to have much boys as friends but with time I made several boy friends from which some were really close. I want to know what has Lord Buddha chanted about a girl & a boy being friends?...
Amaani's user avatar
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Why is lust considered as being unskillful?

Sexual lust and pornography in Buddhism is considered as being unskillful, but for me it is not clear why. If all parties involved consented to taking part in sexual acts, I don't see why they are ...
Val's user avatar
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Sex Before Marriage

I met this wonderful girl sometime back and we had a great thing going. We understood each other very well and have lived in great pleasure and happiness. Initially we started dating. after sometime ...
MicroVision Co's user avatar
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Husband has sexual activity with other woman with the consent of wife

There is a true story where a couple just got married. Soon after marriage, the wife is diagnosed with certain illness by the doctor. To make it short, because of the illness, the wife is not allowed ...
B1100's user avatar
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What makes someone take rebirth with non heterosexual inclinations?

How can someone take rebirth with non-heterosexual inclinations? What specific karmic acts will lead to rebirth with this trait of non heterosexuality?
B1100's user avatar
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Does Buddhism have an answer to disturbing sexual fantasies?

I have extreme sexual fantasies that hurt me (submission, candaulism, etc.). Because of the internet and pornography many young people have increasingly extreme fantasies, and when they are attached ...
Youngman's user avatar
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Orgasm and Virya

I am aware of Indian spirituality associating orgasm with a loss of energy. This conception is present in other cultures as well. However, it is conspicuously absent from Western culture. Why isn't ...
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Sexual disinterest

Is it possible that Buddhist practice could cause a lack of interest or even repulsion of sex? Lately I have tried to have sex a few times and I felt uninterested and repulsed by it. I was so ...
Arturia's user avatar
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Dealing with Lust

I am wondering about the nature of lust and its remedies. I know Buddhism posits that lust depends on the sense organs, and contact with an object. Thus, I've read it promotes decreasing this contact ...
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How sexual relations with multiple partners affect us? What are after effects of promiscuity?

I want to know how promiscuity affects us? How it binds? What are the after affects of making many sexual partners?
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Sexual Desire, Masturbating and Asuba Bawana

I have been wanting to ask this question for some time. So basically caught up in the social norms, i used to watch porn videos and masturbate and got a bit attached to it. Kept on doing it for a few ...
MicroVision Co's user avatar
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metta towards women

This related question already has an answer: Avoiding Lust in Hinduism? This is a bit strange to ask, but I'll proceed anyway. In specifically Buddhism (I'm a Hindu though) there are prescribed ways ...
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Buddhism and fornication

Most of the people follow the 3rd precept of lay buddhism without knowing the actual meaning of it. Personally, even I don't know the actual meaning of it. Most of the people including me understand ...
Agent47's user avatar
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Taking care of our sexual energy

In the Five Mindfulness Trainings as presented in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, the third one - called "True Love" - says: I am committed to learning appropriate ways to take care of my sexual ...
Paglia's user avatar
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How did Buddha deal with people that were sexually attracted to him?

Is there any known case, where someone was sexually attracted to Buddha?
Euphorbium's user avatar
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In Buddhas Time Did Kings give Freedom to His Sex Wives(Anttappura Wives)?

in lord Buddhas time their was many kingdoms in India. these kingdoms had many kings. kings had many wives. some kings had 500, 1000 (Antappura) wives but they all have main 1 queen & other wives ...
RANSARA009's user avatar
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What do Buddhists do to prevent sexual desires?

Does Buddhism do anything to prevent sexual desires? Do they do anything to lower sexual desires? Prevent eating certain foods or something similar?
William's user avatar
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Question on sexual immorality and a family situation

I recently, and accidentally, found out one of my very close family members has been watching pornography on my computer. He had borrowed it and had used it apparently for his own purposes one night. ...
Maxwell T.'s user avatar
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Infidelity in marriage

If you are in a sexless marriage where your wife absolutely denys you any sex or intimacy no matter what, is it OK to cheat? What is the Buddhist rules on that? I understand that my wife's behavior ...
Michael Galwey's user avatar
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If sex is prohibited, how do we survive?

Sex can lead us to suffering in many ways; however, if all of us are just like Lord Buddha according to his story, wouldn't humanity become extinct?
Ook's user avatar
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10 answers

Is homosexuality a sin? [duplicate]

"Homosexuality" is a hot topic everywhere in the world now. But is it a sin according to Buddhism? Does it cause a breaking of the third precept? I have heard in a sermon that people are born gay ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
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How to cultivate sexual energy with Meditation?

How a person can cultivate his own sexual energy to creative one with the help of Meditation? can we handle Sexual energy when it arises with breathing technique or Meditation?
Jyo Soudagar - Ajay's user avatar
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Marriage and porn

We all know the limits of a married person.We all know the definition of cheating in Buddhism. But Buddhism existed in a time Porn did not exist. So if a married person watch porn is it cheating?
Theravada's user avatar
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In what way(s) does engaging in sexual activity affect meditation practice?

Does sexual activity (masturbation and beyond) hinder vipassana meditation practice? If so, does anyone know through experience or references exactly how this activity affects the practice? For ...
Ian's user avatar
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What is a pandaka?

I can understand that within the social context of the historical Buddha, being homosexual or bisexual could have possibly been damaging to the Sangha's image as there is still a lot of gay/bisexual/...
Colburn Paul Clark's user avatar
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Vajra Posture vs Lotus Posture -- the same or male vs female?

I always thought that "Vajra Posture" and "Lotus Posture" were simply two names for the same thing. But recently somebody told me that Vajra Posture is for males and Lotus Posture for females, though ...
David Lewis's user avatar
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Controlling one's sexual thoughts

How does one control one's thoughts? ESPECIALLY the uncontrollable desires related to sexual drive which are built deep into our conscience. Answers are DEEPLY appreciated.
Dilshan De Silva's user avatar