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3 answers

Is there a Pali name for a state of being in which one experiences “craving without a target”?

I am speaking of a state of mild but persistent agitation in which one notices the arising of the habit of (1) sorting through the current collection of unresolved discomforts with the intention of ...
Alex Ryan's user avatar
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Mastery of skills outside the Buddhist path and desire

I have run into a mental trap about desire on the Buddhist path. I know desire is good if it is wholesome, ie say desire for enlightenment and etc. Yet what about a desire for the mastery of a skill ...
jwe's user avatar
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3 answers

Compulsion to repeat afflictions and Buddhism

I've noticed in myself a tendency to pursue situations that cause a certain stress, in a somewhat compulsive way. This is a bit like people who are drawn to people who are bad for them. I have heard ...
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Do ALL thoughts with lobha (craving), dosa (aversion) and moha (ignorance) create bad karma?

This answer stated that: Even if you sit in the dark and do nothing, you can still be creating bad Kamma. It depends on whether you have Samma Sati or not. Whatever you do can create bad Karma as ...
iyi lau's user avatar
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How does craving cause self-identity or self-habit?

From craving, there arises clinging, then from clinging, there arises existence or becoming, and then from becoming, we get the birth of the self-identity or self-habit. But how does craving really ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Can volition be without craving? We love and serve because we intend to?

As Observer Say I observe systems around me --- economics of suffering, arising of crime, even the Dependent Origination --- without craving to maintain, defend, modify, control or destroy the systems....
jhannwong's user avatar
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Are these simple sentences right? They are about 4 noble truths, 3 characteristics, craving, etc

The sentences I want to check with you are: Reducing suffering (or eliminating it) is the main goal. The main reason we keep suffering is desire and aversion. We can experience craving to any of the ...
Exequiel's user avatar
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How should I watch sensations in Vipassana meditation?

How should I watch sensations in Vipassana? Should I watch from head to toe and then toe to head? Please explain things step by step as I'm new to Vipassana. Thanks in advance!
Suraj Pandey's user avatar
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3 answers

What is admiration? How to stop craving it?

After a deep contemplation of why I couldn't move on from a relationship I found that it was because I am not getting admiration from anyone else. Actually, in past she admired me when no one else did....
Equanimous_being's user avatar
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4 answers

What Buddha's techniques I can use to uproot deep craving for a woman's love?

I am not geographically close to this woman, nor do I ever talk to her, she's just my teenage obsession that lingers on my mind. I am too much attached to my perceptions about how she is, and because ...
Equanimous_being's user avatar
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8 answers

Overcoming sensual craving for food

I've become interested in Buddhism a couple of months ago, and I try to meditate daily, which had very positive effects on my anxiety and overall feeling so far. I am prone to feeling overwhelming ...
Blabla's user avatar
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5 answers

Objectification in Buddhism

Is there such a thing as objectification in Buddhism? Namely, objectification here means treating someone else as an object, or for their appearance. However, it means also many other things, so I'll ...
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4 answers

Cravings Arising to Consciousness

I noticed that I usually think in a very abstract manner, without images, just words and ideas. When I try intentionally to think visually, only then does lustful or worry-related images pop up. And, ...
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Are Habits a Kind of Attachment?

Some questions have already touched the nature of habits, namely in the sense of good habits or their benefits. This answer explains how attachment occur from a repeated desire to engage in the ...
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8 answers

SN 12.52 Upadana Sutta

Can one elaborate please more on this quote: "In one who keeps focusing on the allure of clingable phenomena (or: phenomena that offer sustenance = the five aggregates), craving develops. "...
Val's user avatar
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Nature of Craving in Charm and Impressing Others

I noticed recently that I tend to try and impress others and gather attention, especially with women (I'm a man). I see this as problematic because unlike other sources of craving and attachment, its ...
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3 answers

Forced suppression of all cravings including harmless ones

Let's say a person has a craving to eat a slice of cheesecake. This is obviously a sensual craving (kama tanha). The mental defilement (kilesa) to get a slice of cheesecake and eat it, is greed (lobha)...
ruben2020's user avatar
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4 answers

Craving vs Interest

Is interest in a topic/concept/thought, a form of craving? Must we rid ourselves of interest too? If so, how do we approach so many activities in daily life, that rely on interest? These activities ...
user2521470's user avatar
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Unconscious Nature of Craving

I understand craving involves a strong preoccupation component. I noticed that somehow, when I either use a dating site or anything similar, I often check whether I received a message or if anything ...
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2 answers

How do monks transcend the desire for relationships & sex?

Being a 'genuine' monk means a certain kind of dispassion towards the world. How is sexuality & 'relationship craving' effectively dealt within a monk? I am pretty sure a lot of monks struggle ...
Mr. Jabato's user avatar
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Could unwholesome craving cause the wholesome desire for enlightenment?

From this question, we see answers stating that one has the wholesome desire for enlightenment, and not craving for enlightenment. In this question, we read about the difference between desire (chanda)...
ruben2020's user avatar
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6 answers

Is there such a thing as craving for enlightenment and would it be unwholesome?

I was wondering if for example an obsession or craving that someone has for attaining Nirvana would be considered something unwholesome. On one hand it seems to me like it would, since that person ...
sirangelo's user avatar
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Attachment Towards Environments and Objects

I have just asked a question about computer use, and it spurred another question in my mind: How does attachment towards objects and places occur? I'm specifically wondering if all pleasurable ...
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8 answers

Alternative to Willpower in Fighting Cravings

I noticed that I almost unconsciously revert to trying to fight cravings via willpower, i.e. resisting them. Let's take the example of food cravings. I usually make an internal commitment to avoid ...
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5 answers

A few questions about "becoming"

How is "becoming" (bhava) defined in the context of Dependent Co-arising? If there is craving, will that craving always result in "becoming"? Is there something like craving without "becoming"? ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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11 answers

What prevents us from attaining Nibbana?

What prevents us from attaining Nibbana? Is it the ignorance or the craving? So, what should we focus on, in order to attain Nibbana? Is it uprooting the craving or uprooting the ignorance? Because ...
Damith's user avatar
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5 answers

Addictive Withdrawal and Buddhism

It's well documented in psychology that the cessation of any type of addictive behaviour causes a period of withdrawal. During this period, less pleasure is experienced overall as well as mental ...
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3 answers

Is craving unskilful because it fuels craving?

For most people it's not readily discernible why sense pleasures are unsatisfactory. In general, a lot of people know intellectually that sense pleasures are impermanent, and that virtuous thinking &...
Val's user avatar
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6 answers

What does craving feel like?

What does craving feel like as a set of sensations (body and mind)? I'm interested the recognition of craving as it occurs in that moment and how other people's lived experience accords with my own. ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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Pleasant feelings/Unpleasant feelings & craving/aversion

In dependent origination after sense-contact occured, craving is the next condition, which in turn forms attachment at its basis and so on... Suppose I am eating something or taking a massage to get ...
Val's user avatar
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1 answer

How could craving be the habit of reification?

Below, it says that "craving" is the habit of reifying things, resulting in the notion that we need ever-increasingly more things to live happily. How could craving (tanha) be the habit of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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In the Dependent Origination formula, shouldn't perception precede craving instead of feeling?

In the paticcasamuppada's formulation of the twelve nidanas, vedana precedes tanha. As far as I currently understand, vedana is just the physiological and psychological -and involuntary- response (...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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4 answers

Sensual Desire & their gradual cessation

We all now that habits which are not acted upon wither with time. However, is it possible to reduce cravings to a point where the specific cravings are close to non-existent? How does one go about to ...
Val's user avatar
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Sensual Pleasures and their removal (MN 19 & MN 75)

According to these suttas, is itsomewhat possible through seeing the inherent harm in sensual pleasures, to shy away from them? I remember that it by first experiencing piti during meditation that one ...
Val's user avatar
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Difference between desire (chanda) and craving (tanha)?

What's the difference between desire (chanda) and craving (tanha)? From my understanding, tanha is always unwholesome but chanda can be wholesome or unwholesome. How is this the case? Craving (tanha)...
ruben2020's user avatar
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5 answers

How does the craving lead to lust, hatred and delusion?

I am looking for connection between lust, hatred, and delusion, and craving. Craving is more fundamental than lust, hatred and delusion: it is the craving which leads to lust, hatred and delusion. ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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Is there a list of things to abandon before abandoning craving?

There are several things which Buddha asked us to abandon before we can abandon craving finally. For example Buddha asks us to abandon five fetters and hindrances. My question is : Is there a ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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How should I stop my craving for money and people? [closed]

I have strong craving for money and people because I consider them basic for survival. But I know money is not going to stay with me forever and people are not going to stay with me forever. I have ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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In what ways the Way removes the craving?

Buddha says the Way of Eightfold path removes the craving. I am looking for a short summary of ways the Way removes the craving. My question is : In which ways does the Way removes the craving ? How ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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What is the difference between destruction of craving and cessation of craving?

There are two suttas, SN 46.26 about destruction of craving and SN 46.27 about the cessation of craving. I was thinking that destruction of craving is same as cessation of craving but the pali word ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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Can we define craving without mentioning self?

Namo Buddhaya. According to the Mahayana Pratityasamutpadavibhanganirdesa Sutra, there are three cravings: craving for the sense-realm, craving for the form-realm, and craving for the formless-realm....
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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What do ethical conduct (sila) and compassion have to do with the cessation of dukkha?

As I understand the Third Noble Truth, the cessation of dukkha is brought about by ending craving. I can see how, for example, practicing renunciation, or seeing no self, assist us in achieving this, ...
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How can one apply the skills developed through Vipassana meditation to overcome FMO/PMO (fantasy, porn, masturbation, orgasm) addiction?

As far as I understand, Vipassana meditation trains attention and equanimity. Both sound as great skills to have in order to battle addictions. However, after having attended a 10-day Vipassana course,...
xwb's user avatar
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Food and other cravings, and guarding the senses

How do I deal with food cravings or craving in general? According to the four efforts I should replace craving with the disadvantages. Can loving-kindness also work? I feel like concentrating on ...
Val's user avatar
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Does craving include basic survival drives like hunger, thirst, reproduction?

And how does one be free from craving food without starving to death ?
Jimmy Widdle's user avatar
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Will I be reindividualised after death?

I guess I have no craving left for the existence except for food and water. Will I be reindividualised after death? Should I give up the desire for food and water in order to stop my rebirth?
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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Which Sutta does Sakkra asks 14 Questions from the Buddha?

In Maha Buddhavamsa The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas by Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw, page 949 to 980, there is a series of question between the Buddha and Sakkra. This seems very relevant to the ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
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6 answers

The question of why do we have craving

In Buddhism everything boils down to we as humans and animals crave. Craving is the root cause for suffering and rebirth. So the question becomes why are we hard coded to crave. Is there any ...
user119020's user avatar
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Is smoking tobacco acceptable in any school of Buddhism?

Is smoking tobacco acceptable in any school of Buddhism? I think it shouldn't be considered acceptable: because of the fifth precept because of the first precept (smoking is physically harmful, so ...
Gary G Pelow's user avatar
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how to eradicate past smaskaras

A monastery nearby my house, where I was about to be ordained and venture into the world of which I have been waiting so long, has now denied me ordination due to my bad habits of reading erotic ...
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