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Textural reference(s) for Bhadda Kapilani, a practitioner who for many lifetimes made the aspiration to be reborn as a woman?

I just read '. . . Bhadda Kapilani, a practitioner who for many lifetimes made the aspiration to be reborn as a woman.' What are the textural references for this?
vimutti's user avatar
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2 answers

Which Buddhist traditions have no gender divisions at all

I had a conversation with a friend and she was very upset that there were some gender division in the group I practice with. We have some single sex retreats and some study groups are single sexed. ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to view people with metta and karuna?

There are definitions of metta and karuna here: What are metta and karuna? There's a metta-bhavana meditation. I'm wondering how to practice these socially, though, e.g. as a lay person when talking ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

Gender : Is it truly what it seems?

Now before you read and answer i would like to invite you to keep the term "Sexism" aside as this is a discussion on gender and it is impossible to talk about it without pointing out some things that ...
Theravada's user avatar
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Female Zen teachers and writers

The Zen center where I live is very male dominated. This might be because it's very small. Anyway, I think Zen sometimes tend to be a bit masculine in its form, wit a kind of quasi militaristic ...
Mr. Concept's user avatar
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How is a Dalai Lama chosen? And can it be a woman?

The 14th Dalai Lama is about 80 now. How will the next one be chosen or elected? Does the Dalai Lama himself decide, and has this already been decided? Are they, like the Catholics, 'voting' on ...
Mr. Concept's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

Male & Female - Is gender an illusion?

According to Buddhism & Science there is no gender to the mind but to the body.The difference between the male and female ideology is a difference between practicing two different ways of life. ...
Theravada's user avatar
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2 answers

Was the Buddha misogynistic?

The introduction to the Dhamma Wiki's Buddhism and Misogyny article says, Nevertheless, there are some non-Buddhists and even some Buddhists that contend that the Buddha was misogynistic. This is ...
Raja Barua's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

What is a pandaka?

I can understand that within the social context of the historical Buddha, being homosexual or bisexual could have possibly been damaging to the Sangha's image as there is still a lot of gay/bisexual/...
Colburn Paul Clark's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Vajra Posture vs Lotus Posture -- the same or male vs female?

I always thought that "Vajra Posture" and "Lotus Posture" were simply two names for the same thing. But recently somebody told me that Vajra Posture is for males and Lotus Posture for females, though ...
David Lewis's user avatar
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5 answers

Theravada perspective on transgender people

What would be the Theravada approach to people who have a transgender experience? As far as I understand it, the mind does not have a gender. So should a Buddhist, out of compassion alone, indulge a ...
Ryan's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is Buddhahood attained only by males? [duplicate]

Is there a particular reason(s) for a Buddha to be only of male gender? I'm interested in any explanation in scriptures as well as your interpretations and opinions.
mlomailom's user avatar
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2 answers

Reason(s) for being born as men and women

Does anyone have an explanation as to how Buddhism explains the reason(s) as to why and how humans are born as men and women? What governs the gender?
mlomailom's user avatar
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11 answers

Is Buddha a Man or Woman?

Was Buddha a Man or Woman? Was he/she sometimes know as a man and sometimes as a woman? Why was he/she sometimes know as a man and sometimes as a woman? What was his/her real gender? Give proof please....
ʇolɐǝz ǝɥʇ qoq's user avatar
58 votes
14 answers

Can the Buddha ever be a woman?

Is it true that the Buddha will never be a woman? If so, why is this? To be specific, I am particularly asking whether or not the Buddha itself can be female. I am not asking whether a woman can ...
Jordy van Ekelen's user avatar
10 votes
8 answers

Is gender a result of Kamma?

Are the genders male/female a result of Kamma, or is it associated with it in any way?
Jordy van Ekelen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Masculine and Feminine Potencies

In several places–for example, in texts around the Nine Purification Breaths–I've seen references to either masculine or feminine "obstacles linked with potencies" that are described as being "...
Hrafn's user avatar
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2 answers

In modern times what percentage of monks are female?

In the question When were women first welcomed into Buddhist orders? we learn that woman have been becoming monks for a long time. In modern times (circa 2014 CE) what percentage of monks are female?
James Jenkins's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Nine Purification Breaths and Channels in Genderqueer and Intersex Individuals

When performing the Nine Purification Breaths (I have it from a separate source, but it is close to the one described by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in Healing with Form, Energy, and Light) the position ...
Hrafn's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

What does Buddhism literature and tradition say about transgender folks?

This may seem like a question that is far too modern for an ancient tradition, but when I traveled in Thailand I learned that katoeys (male-to-female) are a legal gender in Thailand. What does ...
user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

When were women first welcomed into Buddhist orders?

I know that in the early days of Buddhism, it was for men only. To practice, you had to be a monk, and to be a monk, you had to be a man. Perhaps this reflects the attitudes of the time, but today, my ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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