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3 answers

Buddhist Consciousness vs Quantum consciousness + Data models(AI)

I may consider myself as a strong buddhist. But when I read about concept of quantum consciousness , it seems very realistic. And add to that, considering capabilities of current simple(chat GPT, etc) ...
Pycm's user avatar
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3 answers

What does Buddhism say about attention?

I read somewhere that: Attention is a product of/maintained by volition/intention (which is sankhara aggregate). I am puzzled by this as the following examples illustrate: I am driving back from a ...
Desmon's user avatar
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How did the original mental event arise according to Dharmakīrti's argument for rebirth?

This answer on Reddit gave a basic outline of Dharmakīrti's argument for rebirth in the form of a syllogism: Matter and consciousness are metaphysically different, their characteristics and nature ...
setszu's user avatar
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3 answers

The everyday sense that you are wasting your life

This question may seem a little new age. I am often discouraged in my life in general by the belief that I want more, nothing specific, but something is missing, perhaps a more meaningful life. Could ...
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Is perception discriminative thinking?

Is perception discriminative thinking? I got the term from the lankavatara sutra, but I think it appears in zen a bit, and I wondered if it means only one type of consciousness, perhaps the 6th or 7th,...
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2 answers

How do we hear the sound of our thoughts?

Quick question. How do we hear the sound of our own thought? I assume ear-consciousness but without the contact of internal-external bases? Is this right?
blue_ego's user avatar
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1 answer

How powerful is collective consciousness to the individual mind? [closed]

What? How powerful is collective consciousness to the individual mind
peaceful's user avatar
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What is the ninth level of consciousness?

I'm doing a little research to understand what the ninth level of consciousness is. I learned this concept from an explanation of a saying, namely 'on ninth cloud'. The only information I was able to ...
CaneRandagio's user avatar
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5 answers

Dreamery and random narratives during breath meditation?

Pretty much what the title says, but expand on it a little - During breath meditation (also during vipassana, but mostly breath) I frequently see random narratives. Sometimes it is random bits from TV/...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
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2 answers

In what form or fashion might it be ethical to "bestow" consciousness on an AI? A question and conversation with ChatGPT:

Given the dramatic progress in Artificial Intelligence over the last year (ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Bing, etc) I have been thinking about the ethical implications of attempts to replicate human-like ...
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-3 votes
3 answers

Can I cancel my consciousness?

Andy Warhol said, “They say time changes things, but you have to actually change them yourself”. With this is mind, it might be fair to assume that awareness is a requirement for changing habit ...
fruit punch's user avatar
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3 answers

How do the Vijñāna (Vinyana) get created?

There are countless beings in the 31 realms of existence, and they all seem to have a Vijñāna, or a perception of "self". When one becomes a stream winner (e.g. sotapanna), the view of this ...
PrincessBelle's user avatar
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5 answers

Does consciousness, or wakefulness, have any relationship to space or time?

In my years of meditation practice, I have both experienced time contracting (appearing to pass at great speed) or dilating and seeming to come to a near standstill. I begin my meditation practice by ...
Christopher Sunyata's user avatar
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Is All-Is-One a buddhist belief?

As I underestand, buddhists beliefe there is no-self, means no permanent soul in creatures like us humans. Would a buddhist say, we all are part of one absolute consciousness? If so, is the degree of ...
laserface000's user avatar
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1 answer

What are these positive terms?

Again another passage from Ñanavira's Notes on Dhamma, Cetana: It will be seen that intentions by themselves are a purely structural affair, a matter of negatives; and when the question is asked, '...
PDT's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is a soul reincarnated, and the purpose of reincarnation?

A soul from a previous generation is reincarnated in a later generation into a specific set of circumstances which are tailored to engineer a rectification of a previous sin Are there instances in ...
user610620's user avatar
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Have any historical texts identified whether a reincarnated soul's true identity can be identified?

If reincarnation were true, in that a soul takes on different human bodies across several different lives during that soul's existence, have philosophers, theologists, scholars or any scriptures ever ...
user610620's user avatar
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2 answers

Is nirvana a mere conscious experience, and if so of what kind?

What is nirvana if it is not just a beatific consciousness free from suffering in all meanings? I want to move away from that and the idea of the perfections (both seem slightly off). So there is ...
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1 answer

Looking for Buddhist videos that explain the Buddhist view on consciousness in a clear succinct way

I am looking for Buddhist videos (by Buddhist monks preferably or lay teachers) that describe briefly (under 10 minutes) how Buddhists view consciousness. Most I find are either lectures an hour-long, ...
Egovatar's user avatar
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7 answers

The Nature of Viññāṇa as a Nidāna in the Cycle of Paṭiccasamuppāda

In the cycle of paṭiccasamuppāda, if we start from avijjā, the next nidāna is that of saṅkhāra which in turn conditions the origin of viññāṇa, loosely termed as consciousness. This viññāṇa in turn ...
Sushil Fotedar's user avatar
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The rootless, mirth-producing, mind-consciousness element [duplicate]

What is hasituppāda, the so-called rootless, mirth-producing, mind-consciousness element of an Arahant? What is its basis? What is its purpose, if any? Could someone provide me the details of the same ...
Sushil Fotedar's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is it profitable to stop the cycle of rebirth?

Why is it profitable to stop the cycle of rebirth if it is not "me" who is reborn? Or maybe to ask differently - to whom it is profitable?
Cob's user avatar
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7 answers

How does buddhism describe what exactly, or where exactly, or how exactly, consciousness exists?

As a computer scientist interested in the origin of the universe and the mind, I finally have found some ancient stuff of the type of substance and depth I am looking for, the Abhidhamma. The first ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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How is 'consciousness' (vinyaana) defined in Buddhist texts?

How is 'consciousness' (vinyaana) defined in Buddhist texts? How similar or different is it from the way the word is used these days -- particularly in scientific studies of consciousness ?
ramana_k's user avatar
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When I empty out intentions and relax in meditation, what is this force that moves my body in complex patterns?

When I empty out intentions and relax in meditation, what is this force that moves my body in complex patterns? For example, when I let go for a bit I start walking and making circles and doing ...
MrNobody's user avatar
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6 answers

What happens to consciousness/awareness when entering Paranirvana?

If consciousness/awareness as the 5th skandha is impermanent (?), shouldn't it cease to exist when entering Paranirvana? But in SN 22.53 the Buddha says: "If a monk abandons passion for the ...
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2 answers

Consciousness - "Facets of One Entity"

I wonder if 'Consciousness' is many "Facets Of One Entity" and that in itself all things from Good to Bad are part of this entity, and from this the Entity is itself playful, and that all ...
Wayne's user avatar
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10 answers

How is consciousness measured?

There is a sphere of infinite space and there is sphere of infinite consciousness. It is easy to comprehend what is infinite space is but it is not clear what is meant by infinite consciousness? Does ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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Can Buddhist practice lead to pure consciousness experiences?

First, how is "pure consciousness experience" (abbr. PCE) defined for the purpose of this question? A PCE is when one’s sense of identity temporarily vacates the throne and apperception ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
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4 answers

Is Buddha Nature the original state, i.e. Awareness/ Consciousness without Existence?

Existence, Consciousness, Bliss is described as Brahman by Vedanta but surely that only applies when viewed through the veil of Maya and experienced as the universe. As awareness/ consciousness is ...
Colin's user avatar
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How to nullify the expectations?

Buddhist teachers say things like Do not expect anything from anyone, and also: Do everything with good heart and expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed. Such a wonderful ...
Deepak's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the five kinds of seeds?

In the Seeds Sutta (SN 22.54), we find there are five kinds of seeds, which can grow, when they are fertile, undamaged and securely planted on the ground with water to nourish them. Water is delight ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Are the differences between Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism merely semantic/perspective?

having studied Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, I've seen that the differences between the two are almost non-existent. This video does a good job at fleshing out the Vedanta and Buddhist perspective ...
Aaron's user avatar
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5 answers

How can the world's youth discover careers that are aligned with consciousness and Buddhism?

Millennial's and the young workforce are faced with a difficult choice of discovering alternate careers/gigs. Can spirituality, universal consciousness, meditation, environment trigger a human-plus ...
Peter Abreo's user avatar
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6 answers

Why are plants not sentient beings?

Why in Buddhism plants are not recognized as sentient beings? Can it be immoral to kill a plant? Can a plant be reincarnated as an animal? Is a plant alive? Edit: I read somewhere a theory ...
Kalapa's user avatar
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7 answers

Where is the consciousness located? Cosmic Consciousness?

I recently became aware of questions regarding the location of consciousness. The argument put forward is that the consciousness is separate to the body. This is not something I considered before. ...
Handy Andy's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Does anyone recognise this haiku?

I was staying at samye ling Tibetan monastery in Scotland and writing a lot of poetry. I wrote this haiku in one go without any consideration or counting syllables, and did not feel as if I wrote it. ...
Joedean7's user avatar
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6 answers

Is being conscious of actions' consequences enough to attain nibbana?

I apologize if this has an answer on this site or if this does not make any sense. I am wondering if being conscious alone is enough to attain nibbana? If not, why? I think conscious person will (...
Heisenberg's user avatar
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Is Buddhist lifestyle harmless to living beings?

Is the Buddhist lifestyle harmless to living beings? Lot's of creatures are being killed in various human activities (walking, farming, building, etc.) Did Buddhists found a way to live while not ...
Marino Klisovich's user avatar
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How can the sixth channel of dhatus be understood?

Could someone help clarifying the sixth channel of the eighteen dhatus - that is - the mental objects (dharma-dhatu), the mental faculty (mano-dhatu) and the mental consciousness (mano-vijñāna-dhatu)...
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8 answers

Which specific process determines where consciousness will alight?

As the title indicates, I don't know how the mind "picks" which sensation to focus on. Considering the huge amount of sense-data being received by the mind each moment, which condition directs ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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Is there a proper name for my recent experience?

I don't meditate often, and I've never had an experience like the following while meditating, but I feel that the following experience probably has a proper name in Buddhism (or Hinduism for that ...
user15057's user avatar
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Does Viññāṇa generate Nāmarūpa in the sense that would make "uploading concsciousness" impossible?

Does Viññāṇa generate Nāmarūpa in the sense that would make "uploading concsciousness" to a computer impossible? I was reading this question on philosophy.stack I'd suspect that it's impossible to ...
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1 answer

Growth, increase, landing, establishing of consciousness

The following quotes talk about consciousness. Through relishing, intending or having underlying tendencies, consciousness would grow, increase, mature, land, establish. What does growth, increase, ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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5 answers

Comparing Chinese Agama the ? Bundles of Reeds Simile with Pali Nalakalapiyo Sutta

In commenting a post, I have just been introduced to the "two bundles of reeds leaning up against each other" Sutta. The comments have just been moved to chat and I hope it would be kept for awhile ...
Mishu 米殊's user avatar
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Other types of consciousness (viññāṇa) in Theravada?

There are the six types of consciousness (viññāṇa) based on MN 38, namely those related to the six sense media: eye, ear, nose, tongue, touch or mind. In MN 49, there was a "consciousness without ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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8 answers

What is the invisible consciousness or consciousness without surface?

From MN 49 (trans. Sujato): Consciousness that is invisible, infinite, radiant all round—that’s what is not within the scope of experience based on earth, water, fire, air, creatures, gods, the ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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How is re-linking consciousness reconciled with MN 38?

In the essay "Buddhist Reflections on Death", V.F. Gunaratna wrote: The terminal thought goes through the same stages of progress as any other thought, with this differences that whereas the ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Where does the consciousness (cittas) originate inside the body?

I have heard that all consciousness arise in hadaya vatthu rupa (blood inside the heart) except the five doors perceiving consciousness (Cakku vinnana, Sota vinnana, Ghana vinnana, Jeevha vinnana, ...
Damith's user avatar
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If consciousness arises from mental formations is it correct to say that consciousness has a specific tone or opinions with it?

Example: I see something moving, there's contact. Then there's an unpleasant feeling and perception recognize it as a spider. Mental formations on how to deal with the "threat" of a spider arises. A ...
Haldir87's user avatar
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