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dmsp's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Espoo, Finland
22 votes

What are the common buddhist practices to eliminate sleepiness?

21 votes

Lust - How Can it be Overcome?

11 votes

Should I limit the time I do metta?

8 votes

Five Precepts - did Buddha really preach them?

8 votes

How to address wrong view

8 votes

Does the lifespan get shorter or longer ?

7 votes

What is done with offerings after they've been on the altar awhile?

7 votes

Are there reliable accounts of Buddhists who have remembered past lives?

6 votes

Is it harder to attain enlightenment without a living Buddha?

6 votes

Special connection with animals

6 votes

Is it wrong to watch fight events like boxing, MMA, judo etc.?

6 votes

Are there different types of craving?

6 votes

Do people in the Narakas (or non-human realms) remember their past lives?

6 votes

What is meant by "possessed by spirits" in Buddhism?

6 votes

Do any Buddhist traditions emphasize pilgrimage?

6 votes

Is the skeleton meditation of Buddhist origin?

5 votes

Is Mind in Buddhism connected to Brain (the physical organ)?

5 votes

How to reconcile Buddhist Cosmology with modern worldview, especially astronomy?

5 votes

Teachings from Buddhas other than Gautama

5 votes

Buddhas after Bhadra Kalpa

5 votes

In which Sutta, Buddha wore cloth of dead body?

5 votes

How is Vegetarianism morally superior to eating meat in a Buddhist context?

5 votes

Buddha teaching regarding eating

5 votes

Are there Bodhisatta practices within Theravada?

5 votes

What is the meaning in the Buddha walking seven steps?

5 votes

What is the exact meaning of catuparisa (catu-parisa)?

5 votes

Are the results of positive Kamma good from a Buddhist's perspective or good from a "Samsaric's" perspective?

4 votes

Which canon and traditions does the Flower Sermon text belong to?

4 votes

What is the antidote for conceit (mana)?

4 votes

Has lord Buddha ever told something like this?