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Bakmoon's user avatar
Bakmoon's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
14 votes

Does Zen Buddhism have canonical texts?

13 votes

Is playing computer games an unwholesome activity?

12 votes

What dietary practices are most helpful for reaching enlightenment?

11 votes

Strong desire to serve/ordain

11 votes

Am I condemned for an extramarital affair?

11 votes

Why isn't there a Buddhist Bible?

11 votes

Jainism vs Buddhism: did Buddhism borrow from Jainism?

11 votes

Do Buddhism and Atheism contradict each other?

10 votes

Does Zen have a concept similar to stream entry?

10 votes

Buddhist view on letting the anger out. Any problems with that?

10 votes

Praying to God - What are the consequences?

10 votes

Buddhism and political correctness

9 votes

Enlightenment vs nibbana/nirvana

9 votes

If there is no self how can Nirvana be described as bliss?

8 votes

Is mindfulness the path or the goal?

8 votes

Is vipassana practice the same as insight practice?

8 votes

According to Buddha's characteristics and teaching in Pali Canon, could he have taught Vajrayana (and Karmamudra)?

8 votes

What is circumambulation?

8 votes

Is 'Neo' the Buddha?

7 votes

What did the Buddha mean when he spoke about samma samadhi?

7 votes

Are good deeds superficial?

7 votes

If I start doing Vipassana now, how long will it take me to achieve Nirvana?

7 votes

Does "stream enterer" simply mean "devout Buddhist"?

7 votes

How buddhist meditation leads to liberation?

7 votes

Observing eight precepts in regular life

7 votes

Meditating and including buddhist philosophy in your life without abandoning previous religious beliefs?

6 votes

Can a buddhist enjoy life - what are the limitations and restrictions

6 votes

Teaching or giving advice without mentioning the Buddha

6 votes

How much is the minimal time for practicing Vipassana in daily life for achieving better mindfulness?

6 votes

What is Buddhist Modernism?

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