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Questions tagged [judaism]

Judaism is a monotheistic religion, with the Torah as its foundational text. These questions focus on the relationship between Jewish and Buddhist practice and practitioners.

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3 votes
3 answers

How different is "joy of ownership" in the Dīgha,jānu Sutta from clinging onto one's wealth?

In the Dīgha,jānu Sutta, accomplishment of diligence leads to the joy of ownership. Isn't "joy of ownership" just clinging onto one's wealth? What do other Buddhist schools say about this? A possible ...
user29568's user avatar
  • 143
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1 answer

Can someone be Buddhist and Christian at the same time? [duplicate]

Are there any contradictions between the Catholic Christianity and Buddhism(main stream)? Can someone be a Christian and Buddhist at the same time? I am looking for contradictions. Would you specify ...
Ormoz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What are the commonalities between Jewish and Buddhist thought?

I've pondered for a while on the possible links between Jewish and Buddhist thought. I have been on Buddhist retreat with people who identify as Jews. Also there is the Buddhist Jew phenomena as ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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1 answer

A Jewish Buddhist? [duplicate]

I am jewish by ethnicity and by religion as well but I find the dhammapada and buddhist meditation to be beneficial, is this frowned upon or discouraged amongs buddhists?
eliyah's user avatar
  • 481
3 votes
7 answers

Did the Buddha ever mention or encounter Jews?

I understand that Siddhartha Gautama Buddha lived at the same time as the ancient Israelites (Jews) and that India knew of Israel and that ancient Israel knew of India and that the two nations traded ...
eliyah's user avatar
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6 votes
11 answers

Meditating and including buddhist philosophy in your life without abandoning previous religious beliefs?

Is there a way where someone (could meditate and take up certain Buddhist practices without initiation into Buddhism? This is just a question to understand theory, not directed to be anything ...
ARK96's user avatar
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