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Why would a selfish intention/action be superior to a selfless one?

The inspiration for this answer came from an essay titled Honest to Goodness written by Venerable Thanissaro. In it was written: Which intentions lead to suffering, and which to the end of suffering? ...
Desmon's user avatar
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Why would a selfish intention/action be superior to a selfless one?

The word "benefit" is given in a Buddhist context, which deals with the Four Noble Truths about suffering. We benefit by progressing along the path that leads to the end of suffering. ...
OyaMist's user avatar
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Why would a selfish intention/action be superior to a selfless one?

The question appears to revolve around the meaning of "paṭipanno" (translated as "practises"). Without doing more research, my understanding is "paṭipanno" means to "...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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