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Five major sins (anantarika kamma) and how to mitigate them?

Firstly, karma is based on intention. If something was done unintentionally, there's no karma. Secondly, this is not really a sin to be judged and/or forgiven by a God or gods. Exerting oneself in the ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Five major sins (anantarika kamma) and how to mitigate them?

Is there any way for them to repent to reduce their sins? One important point I would like to emphasize is that the idea of sins in the way it is defined by Christianity is quite alien to Buddhism. ...
Desmon's user avatar
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2 votes

Five major sins (anantarika kamma) and how to mitigate them?

If someone accidentally creates the above evil karma without anger, will the result be different? I assume that "accidentally" means it's not considered "killing". The Vinaya ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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