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5 votes

Audio guided meditation recommendations?

The "How To Meditate" YouTube video playlist by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is highly recommended. It includes both sitting and walking meditation. This is more like vipassana meditation based on the four ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an API for Buddhist texts?

SC has a API. E.g. :,dn2 Also see: Also the data is in Github. E.g.
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
3 votes

What Buddhist Software is there?

Not answering the question up there, but just to point out that there is a lack of triple A high quality good Buddhist games in the market. So I have created a facebook group: https://www.facebook....
2 votes

What Buddhist Software is there?

I recently made a non-commercial VR app to help perform Color Kasina Meditation:
2 votes

Audio guided meditation recommendations?

Ajahn Jayasaro has a lot of Dhamma talks, Q&As and guided meditation sessions. Just look up on YouTube.
Val's user avatar
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2 votes

Does illegal downloading or viewing of copyright material violate the second precept?

Copyright violation is the unlawful taking of that which does not rightfully belong to oneself, to the detriment of the owner, and as such violates the second precept. Because this type of violation ...
K_M's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a serious TV channel which is for Buddhist community?

While I'm not aware of any TV channels which are not geographically bound, I think you can use YouTube channels, that have regularly published content, as sort of TV channels. Here are some Theravada ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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1 vote

Audio guided meditation recommendations?

Nyom Pedros, First Things First! It's totally wise of your friend to seek after "audio guided 'meditation'" since path and right view does not come from 'meditation', but right meditation is caused ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
1 vote

Audio guided meditation recommendations?

Tell your friend to try out the headspace app. It's very beginner friendly and it helps create a sense on progression.
Joshua Murphy's user avatar
1 vote

Does illegal downloading or viewing of copyright material violate the second precept?

For stealing to happen the following conditions should be fulfilled: i) An article belonging to another legally and blamelessly. ii) Knowledge that the article belongs to another. iii) There must be ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
1 vote

How are bhikkhus using social networking sites?

My experience is that there are two types of using social networks in a monastery. One is a collective use made by the whole community of monks and nuns, and this can be very wholesome, for giving ...
Andrea's user avatar
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1 vote

What are some entertaining/fictional movies, books, etc. about Buddhadharma or Buddha himself?

Books: -Hesse's Siddhartha is interesting, but it is not an account of the Buddha himself. It touches on elements of Buddha dharma, but can be somewhat confusing in its intermingling of dharma and ...
gcadams1's user avatar

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