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18 votes

Does God exist in Buddhism?

Unfortunately, this is one of the first questions people ask, especially if they are coming from a theistic background. As a result, many who require the belief of a 'God' as a precondition, turn away ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
13 votes

Does the Buddha like dogs?

The Buddha taught 'birth' with an 'animal' state of mind is a state of woe (beset by chronic suffering) or lower state of 'existence' (being). The Lokapala Sutta states that people who do not have ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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10 votes

Life of Buddha, to be taken seriously?

the Buddha taught that there is unsatisfactoriness in this world and the way out of it which is more systemised as the 4 Noble Truths. If these stories help you understand unsatisfactoriness and help ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
9 votes

Why does the Buddha, in the Pali Canon, periodically engage in harsh speech?

The answer to this comes in the Kesi Sutta: As he was sitting there, the Blessed One said to him: "You, Kesi, are a trained man, a trainer of tamable horses. And how do you train a tamable ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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8 votes

Where does it say Siddhartha Gautama mastered all types of meditation?

In the Maha-Saccaka Sutta it describes his learning some meditation types/techniques, from teachers, before he sat and was enlightened: Alara Kalama ... the dimension of nothingness. ~~~ Uddaka ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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8 votes

Did the Buddha ever weep in his days of Enlightenment?

A Buddha would never ever weep while in his days of Enlightenment. It is because of the quality Akampita. It means unshaken; calm; resolute; that which does not tremble; not to be shaken. The ...
Saptha Visuddhi's user avatar
8 votes

Life of Buddha, to be taken seriously?

Three months after Shakyamuni's death the first Buddhist Council was convened. There was no written method to record his teaching so a group of monks, many with eidetic memories, were chosen to commit ...
Kauvasara's user avatar
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8 votes

What does "Namaste" mean in Buddhism context and why is it even associated with Buddhism?

Namaste is a greeting in the Hindu custom and does not have a context in Buddhism. Namaste (/ˈnɑːməsteɪ/, Hindi: [nəməsteː] (About this sound listen))), sometimes spoken as Namaskar, Namaskaram is a ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
8 votes

Is it true that Lord Buddha was born in Sri Lanka?

Lumbini, Nepal has been recognized as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama since a stone pillar was placed at the site by the emperor Ashoka circa 245 BCE. Source:
GatesofDawn67's user avatar
8 votes

Is it true that Lord Buddha was born in Sri Lanka?

Prince Siddhartha was raised, according to Buddhist texts, in Kapilawastu (I will not present sources for this as I think this would be undisputed). The modern name for Kapilawastu is unknown: I will ...
sampathsris's user avatar
8 votes

Who was the Buddha's teacher?

Between Gayā and the Place of Enlightenment the Ājīvaka Upaka saw me on the road and said: ‘Friend, your faculties are clear, the colour of your skin is pure and bright. Under whom have you gone forth,...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
8 votes

Would Buddhists object if Gautama Buddha were seen as a Prophet by Islam

You see friend, it's a sad state of affairs. Even the Buddhists of this site reject your respect of our teacher on the grounds that your faith is wrong in their eyes. And if your faith is "wrong&...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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8 votes

How does the Buddha subdue fear in MN4?

Good question! Not everyone finds this episode interesting - and yet it illustrates a very important point. Buddha subdues his fear by bringing all of his attention to the present moment. As I was ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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7 votes

What is happening to Lord Buddha after "parinirvana"?

Nothing Because there is no person to happen anything, and there is no samsara. So that's The End. When a person achieves nirvana , there is no person anymore. Death is not the end of a person, ...
lasan's user avatar
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7 votes

Can Buddhism help me find my passion?

The "passion" you talk about sounds like a craving for something which you haven't defined. Your question seems to be asking, "I crave something (I crave something to feel passionate about), but I don'...
ChrisW's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is meat prohibited in Buddhism?

Buddhism does not explicitly prohibit ordinary people (lay people) eating meat although it prohibits monks accepting offerings of meat when it is known or suspected an animal was specifically killed ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 votes

Buddha said "Its better to travel well than to arrive", what does it mean?

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.” is a fake Buddhist Quote. Meaning Hope and anticipation are often better than reality. Origin This phrase is a Robert Louis Stevenson quotation, from ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
6 votes

Why are there are only one Buddha per universe?

The teaching attributed to the Buddha of 'there can only be one self-enlightened Buddha in a world-system (lokadhātuyā)' is found in the Bahudhātuka Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya, which states: He ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 votes

Life of Buddha, to be taken seriously?

MN 123 describes the Buddha's physical birth; standing, walking & prophesying about himself. This contradicts MN 64, which states a new born child has no mental conceptions of self or identity. ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 votes

Gautama self torture, holding his breath

In the ancient Hindu tradition, Tapasya or severe asceticism was the practice that was thought to give one special spiritual superhuman powers. There is some truth to that, if you think about it - it ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it true that Lord Buddha was born in Sri Lanka?

I personally believe that Buddha was born in Lumbini in Nepal through in recent times there are a few small groups in Sri Lanka saying otherwise. I personally would be careful about these movements ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
6 votes

What interaction did the Buddha have with his family after leaving?

Apart from Dhammadhatu's answer regarding the Buddha's son Rahula becoming a monk, there are also other interactions with his family, like the founding of the order of nuns due to the insistence of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the fastest way to reach enlightenment?

You're probably thinking of the Bahiya Sutta (Udana 1.10). Once there was a bark-clad ascetic Bahiya who thought he was enlightened, but a deva told him that he wasn't and asked him to seek out the ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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6 votes

I'm trying to find a specific sutta I think

Upaddha Sutta: Half (of the Holy Life) Don't say that, Ananda. Don't say that. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life. When a ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 votes

Does each Buddha find a new path?

Each Buddha rediscovers the same path and the same truth all over again, on his own. You can find this narrated in the Pali Canon for Vipassi Buddha (SN 12.4), Sikhi Buddha (SN 12.5), Vessabhu Buddha (...
ruben2020's user avatar
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6 votes

Did the Buddha endorse a cyclical cosmology?

DN 1 states: There comes a time, monks, when after the lapse of a long period this world contracts (disintegrates) ... But sooner or later, monks, after the lapse of a long period, there comes a time ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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