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Does Pure Land Buddhism only acknowledge the 3 sutra in its canon?

On this website, it is stated: The Pure Land tradition is founded on three sutras and two commentaries: the Sutra on Immeasurable Life, also known as the Larger Pure Land Sutra; the Amida Sutra, also ...
setszu's user avatar
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Is there any form of Vajrayana Buddhism that is based on the Pali canon?

As far as I'm aware, most forms of Vajrayana Buddhism (which is really only Tibetan and Shingon I think) are based on the Mahayana (Chinese?) canon and accept their sutras generally. Is there any form ...
setszu's user avatar
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4 answers

Origin of the idea that happiness must be nurtured

I came across an excerpt of Thích Nhất Hạnh from his book No Mud, No Lotus, in which he says that happiness must be nurtured in order to sustain (full text is here, the excerpt can also be found here):...
OfirD's user avatar
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9 answers

Sankhara conditions vinjana dependent origination

When it is said in dependent origination that "sankhara conditions consciousness", in what way and how does sankhara condition consciousness? And also, how is consciousness conditioning nama rupa? ...
Conciousness vinjana's user avatar
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Is there a free (libre or open) version of Visuddhimagga in a digital text or HTML format?

I can't use the Path of Purification PDF version of because ... I want to restructure/retranslate Visuddhimagga into english. I want to add the reference link in each word of ...
Bonn's user avatar
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Devas' Mortality

As I understand, there is an acknowledgement of the expected lifespan within the respective deva worlds, though this differs among traditions. I'm curious if there's any textual reference to devas' ...
M-2's user avatar
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Is there a sutta which answers where a nirvanaised consciousnesses is after death and comapres it to a fire going out?

Is there a sutta which answers where a nirvanaised consciousnesses is after death and comapres it to a fire going out? I thought there was, but can't find it. Sounds like Vacchagota mashed up with ...
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What are the six sense Indriyas?

Are the six sense faculties just the sense organs, sense objects, and sense consciousnesses, considered all together, that (conventionally) makes up a (conventional) person? Does it make any ...
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What is rhys david dictionary's license for now?

What is rhys david dictionary's license for now? Pali-English. Dictionary. EDITED BY. T. W. RHYS DAVIDS F.B.A. D.Sc. Ph.D. LL.D. D.Litt and WILLIAM STEDE Ph.D. Personal scientific use only. [...
Bonn's user avatar
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2 answers

"Monks" includes everybody?

I have often heard that in many places in the suttas where the Buddha says Bhikkave, (monks!), he really means to include the four parisā (assemblies), which includes lay male and lay female devotees. ...
Gotamist's user avatar
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When were Buddhist suttas written?

When were Buddhist suttas written? Does anybody know any source with a compiled list of suttas and their approximate date of writing?
chris's user avatar
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Is there an eBook reader compatible Tripitaka?

I would like to know if there exist a PDF version of Tripitaka which is compatible with an eBook reader(Kindle, Kobo alike)?
Sajeewa Welendagoda's user avatar
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The path of jhana vs the path of dry insight

From everywhere I've read and heard in the suttas they talk about the jhanas being needed for insight, but as I understand it the Visuddhimagga gives the option of dry insight not requiring the jhanas....
m2015's user avatar
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Where can I find the Sanskrit versions of Tripitaka? [duplicate]

We can easily find the Pali versions and their translations online. How about the Sanskrit versions?
ramana_k's user avatar
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Are there canonical texts for secular Buddhism?

Does secular Buddhism have a set of texts that are particularly relevant to it. I can imagine that there are texts that won't have any relevance to secular Buddhists such as the twin miracles. But are ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the oldest text/sutra of the Mahayana tradition?

I'm often interested in the history of Buddhist texts and, being a Theravadan, I'm not very familiar with the Mahayana texts. Please help to educate me in this manner.
Sāmaṇera Jayantha's user avatar
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What are the canonical texts for the Buddhisms of the world?

And as a follow up, what institutions are charged with expanding the list of canonical works, if any?
MatthewMartin's user avatar
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What are the texts that contain words which can be attributed directly to the Buddha?

If I understand correctly, the Buddha never wrote anything but some Buddhist texts quote him by describing meetings or situations where he was present. Is there a comprehensive list of all scripts ...
Eduardo Serra's user avatar