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How should one say the nembutsu: "as if your life depended on it"?

How should one say the nembutsu: "as if your life depended on it"? This is an English idiom, though I think it is quite literal. Would anyone agree, and if so who?
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Does Pure Land Buddhism only acknowledge the 3 sutra in its canon?

On this website, it is stated: The Pure Land tradition is founded on three sutras and two commentaries: the Sutra on Immeasurable Life, also known as the Larger Pure Land Sutra; the Amida Sutra, also ...
setszu's user avatar
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Source for bodhisattva transforming hell?

I vaguely remember reading how some bodhisattva out of compassion went to some hell and then transformed it into a pure land. Does anyone know that story? About which bodhisattva it is? And what's the ...
zeleni sok's user avatar
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Looking for a historical text or a contemporary study of such text on how it is that this world is or isn't a "pure land"

Looking for a primary source (an actual historical text) or a secondary source (a formal study of a historical text or texts), on how it is that this world is or isn't a "pure land". ...
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Is jhana taught in Pure Land Buddhism?

Most of the books I have read really don't cover the Pure Land segment. There is a local Pure Land group and I was wondering if they (Pure Land Buddhists in general) teach and practice jhana as part ...
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Please Recommend Pure Land / Other Power Buddhism Books

I have gradually become a Pure Land Buddhist. I chant as I cycle. But I would also like to read, in English or Japanese. Recently I read the book below (Not generally available I am afraid) and it ...
timtak's user avatar
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All sentient beings?

This is a question about Pure Land Buddhism. What is a sentient being ? What is a living being ? Examples, e.g. slug, tree, bacteria, cat, aliens ? How do you teach enlightenment to a cat ? Are ...
Ididit's user avatar
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Niànfó (念佛, nenbustu) & Morality

I would like to pose a question to practitioners of the various diverse sects of Pure Land Buddhism and to those substantially knowledgable of the writings of Pure Land masters. There exists the ...
Caoimhghin's user avatar
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Pure Land Schools' version of the Three (or Four) Marks of Existence

I'd be grateful for references to some of the major Pure Land schools' versions of the Three (or Four) Marks (Seals) of Existence: Impermanence (anicca) Suffering (dukkha) No-self (anattā) ...
David Lewis's user avatar
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Are Aksobhya and Bhaisajyaguru the same buddha?

This page by Venerable Husan Hua says yes; this page by Zhuoge Rinpoche says no.
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6 votes
12 answers

Are Amitabha and Sakyamuni the same?

Buddha is the name for the Supreme Being, right? So are Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha both Supreme Beings but of different galaxies or something? I assume there are more buddhas than just these ...
sirdank's user avatar
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Is intercessionary prayer prohibited in Jodo Shinshu (Japanese Pureland?)

So I just read "Waking the Buddha" by Strand and he had a comment: "It is unlikely that those who attended them would have felt within their rights, to demand that the Jodo Shinshu teachings showed ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
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5 answers

Does Pure Land Buddhism ever have a Buddha other than Amitābha as the object of devotion?

Does Pure Land Buddhism ever have a Buddha other than Amitābha as the object of devotion? Or is Pure Land Buddhism by definition a devotion to Amitābha and an aspiration to be reborn in his pure land? ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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Has anyone claimed to have reborn in Pure Land, and later returned to earth to help other beings?

It is said that a person can choose to return to samsara to help others after being reborn in Pure Land. But has anyone claimed to be that particular kind of person? I am not talking about those who ...
fxam's user avatar
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In Pure Land Buddhism, what realm do the pure lands belong to? Are they outside of the usual six realms?

Do the pure lands belong to heaven realms? Or a completely different realm from the normal six realms?
fxam's user avatar
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How do ethics work in Shin Buddhism?

"Even the good person attains birth in the Pure Land, how much more so the evil person." I think I understand the reasoning here-- if practice isn't effective, then the evil person, who doesn't ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
8 votes
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Buddhas of The Ten Directions

What are the Buddhas of the ten directions? What are the applications of this teaching in the Buddhist traditions?
DharmaEater's user avatar
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What is the Pure Land?

The Three Pure Land sutras contain descriptions of a beautiful and serene place with trees, ponds, and palaces all made of jewels and surrounded with heavenly music and fragrance. How is this Pure ...
Robin111's user avatar
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What is meant by Namu Amida Butsu and also Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?

In two schools of Buddhism, an important part of the practice is the repetition of special mantras which sound like simple expressions of honor or gratitude to those of us outside of the sects, but ...
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