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Sutta request: One should be fed before being able to listen to a Dhamma talk

The following quote can be found at this link: On the farmer's arrival the Buddha ordered that some food should be given him, and when the man was comforted and his mind was ready the Buddha preached ...
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Were monastic training texts written down during the Buddha's life?

It seems a commonly held notion that the actual written text of Buddhadharma were only recorded well after the life of the Buddha. However, this sutta seems to indicate that was not so: "Take a ...
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In what sutta does the Buddha talk about Paccekabuddhas?

Question is in the title. Thank you for your time.
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Which texts are the most important to read in the Khuddaka Nikaya and why?

My preference would be a Theravada based answer to the following question: Which texts are the most important to read in the Khuddaka Nikaya and why? Thank you. :)
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Need help with finding a specific Sutta

I'm looking for a sutta wherein the Buddha explains how a person who only for a moment cultivates loving-kindness or mindfulness has not wasted his or her spiritual life. What sutta is that? Thank you ...
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I'm trying to find a specific sutta I think

I remember there being a passage where a monk says to Buddha that he thinks the Sangha is at least 50 percent of the teaching and Buddha says something along the lines of 'it's all of it'. Can anyone ...
user9925's user avatar
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Sutta with firefly simile

What is the sutta that uses the following metaphor? Firefly(Samsaric being) jumps into candlelight seeking a pleasure(Tanha), not knowing(Avijja) that the candlelight will burn the firefly to ...
Sajeewa Welendagoda's user avatar
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Male & Female - Is gender an illusion?

According to Buddhism & Science there is no gender to the mind but to the body.The difference between the male and female ideology is a difference between practicing two different ways of life. ...
Theravada's user avatar
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Karma of Birth?

I've heard even though two people do the same good Karma their returns can be different on what they were thinking. And when coming to effect these different Karmas can give different births ("...
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Were different parts of the Pali Canon intended for different audiences?

I read somewhere that the Middle Length and Long Discourses in the Pali Canon were intended for different audiences. I think it was that the Long Discourses were intended to convert people to Buddhism ...
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