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Jhataka Number of the Bodhisatta's aspiration for Buddhahood?

Please someone know the Jhatka (past lives of the Buddha) reference number of the Bodhisatta's aspiration for Buddhahood? As Sumedha in the city of Amaravatī? The E. B. Cowell Jhatakas edition ...
Bhikkhu111's user avatar
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Different Ghata Jatakas

I was just answering a question on Hindu.SE as to whether Ithihasas were copies of Jatakas. While looking for sources I found two Ghata Jatakas found on different sites. WisLib Ghata Jataka Sacred ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Does there exist a historical-critical study ("Higher Criticism") of Buddhists’ texts?

I am in search for some academic work on critical methods to analyze Buddhists’ texts. There exist numerous jātakas and avadānas. Many representations in Buddhist art visualize these legends. E.g. ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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Jataka Story Request: Mindfulness, Radiant Complexion and Grass Simile

I'm looking for a story in the Jataka wherein the Buddha talks about mindfulness and the importance of not living in the past or future. He compares the mind living in the past or future to grass that ...
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A collection of stories about Buddha past lives

Where can i find the collection of these stories about Buddha past lives? Any book or video about this stories especially stream-enterer in series or probably some before this stage. One life before i ...
little star's user avatar
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What's the Jataka tale about a previous life of the Buddha sacrificing himself to get a dharma teaching (because dharma was so scarce and rare then)?

If I'm remembering right, in a previous life of the Buddha, because dharma teachings were so rare at that time, a being offered to give a teaching, but only if he sacrificed his life to this being. ...
vimutti's user avatar
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Are Jataka tales authentic words of the Buddha? [duplicate]

If these stories could be taken to be truly narrated by the Buddha, it gives some interesting twists to the generally understood history of India and Indian philosophy. For example, there are Jataka ...
user17389's user avatar
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Ancient Indian sites, where Jataka stories are illustrated through sculpture and painting?

I know that many Jataka stories are illustrated, through sculpture and painting, in ancient Indian sites like Sanchi, Bharhut, Ajanta etc. I have found some of them in various books and websites. What ...
Soumen's user avatar
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Is Vessantara Jātaka in conflict with morality?

Is there any convincing interpretation of Vessantara Jātaka that isn't in conflict with morality? Vessantara gave away his children to serve as slaves for no particular reason; it is not clear how not ...
kami's user avatar
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In what timeframe was Jataka tales added to Kuddaka Nikaya?

I am trying to see whether the presence of certain characters and stories in the Jataka tales can be taken as a proof for them (stories and characters) being known in that form in the time of the ...
gunaviraja's user avatar
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Where to get the genuine e-book on "Jataka Tales" in English?

I have been looking for an e-book on "Jataka Tales", I got one in Marathi by Ven.Dharmanand Kosambi which I feel is good and the another one I got is in English by Todd Anderson which is totally ...
Rajiv's user avatar
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Was ascetic Sumedha with iddhi powers?

I have heard that in the birth where Gautama Bodhisathva met Deepankara Buddha, he had many powers but he didn't use it to prepare the road the Buddha was supposed to walk across but used his own ...
Ravindranath Akila's user avatar
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Did the Buddha ever teach that we have a special responsibility to those we have injured?

I posted the identikit question to Christianity stackexchange, and was met with dumb silence. Which, really, I was shocked by. E.g. the parable of the good samaratin: Jesus answered, "A certain ...
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What number Jataka tale does this story come from?

There are many adaptations of a story about a brave little parrot (or other type of bird) who tries to put out a forest fire by dipping her feathers in a lake and shaking the drops over a raging ...
Robin111's user avatar
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Buddha's past lives in the Jatakas

In multiple Jataka stories, the Buddha tells of his different past lives, multiple of which occurred under King Brahmadatta. Am I missing something here? How is it that the Buddha was living multiple ...
Ryan's user avatar
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