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Difference between optimism and expectation

In vipassana we are asked to be optimist. But buddha said expectation is the cause of all suffering. . Is there any difference between expectation and optimism?
quanity's user avatar
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How does Buddhist Logic work?

In the Wikipedia article Buddhist Logic, it is mentioned that Buddhist Logic is different from classical western logic. ‘Indian Logic’ should be understood as being a different system of logic than ...
Kyoma's user avatar
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Does knowing Pali/Sanskrit (and to which level) give one more insights while reading Buddhist scripts?

I think we all have experienced with our own native languages how works written a while back can have different words for the same meaning or the other way round. Also that words get lost in ...
andrew's user avatar
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How should one look at buddhist mythologies and cosmologies from a scientific perspective

Although it could well be that those words were not directly from Gautama himself, yet just in case, assuming Gautama probably wouldn't lie except for educational purposes, how can those rather ...
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