To answering above few questions. Lord Buddha is everything. Once he is a teacher, master, farmer, king, acertic, artist, singer, preacher, scientist, astrologer, technician, lawyer, doctor, etc etc. Because he is the "Sarwagna" means knows everything. We do not know. But he knows very well. He knows every nook and corner of this world, other Worlds infinite worlds from the past to the present and in the future as well. Because of that he is called as "Sarwagna"
If i ask a question. To whom do you love mostly? Most probably your answer would be Mum or Dad, or your fiance, or else your brother and sisters, or your sons and daughters, all others, but except you. Why ? This is because of ignorance**["Avidya"]**.
Lord buddha understood through his supreme powers that all the creatures including human being, deva's and Brahma's are traveling in this continuous journey of samsara while experiencing below sorrows[Dukkha]
- Birth is duḥkha,
- aging is duḥkha,
- illness is duḥkha,
- death is duḥkha
- Sorrow,lamentation, pain, grief, and despair are duḥkha
- Association with the unbeloved is duḥkha
- separation from the loved is duḥkha
- Not getting what is wanted is duḥkha
In conclusion, the five clinging-aggregates are duḥkha. Evan Gods and Brahma's are suffering from all these Dukkhas. No need to talk about the Hell Dukkha.
Because of those continuous suffering he asked us to overcome and escape from this agony if we really loving ourselves.
Also, Lord Buddha found the cause of this continuous travelling. That is because of not knowing the four noble truths just because of the ignorance.
Not only that, lord buddha find the way to eradicate these sorrowfulness, and how to stop walking through the mirage of samsara.
Also, Lord Buddha taught us the path that he followed to achieve Nibbana. He taught us through his experience and we have enough evidences that the followers achieved the Nibbana.
Four Nobel Truths are;
Life is suffering (Dukkha) [Dukkha sathya]– our desires and expectations do not conform to the reality of the world, which is in a constant state of flux (Anicca), so we experience Dukkha.
The origin of suffering is attachment[Dukkha Samudaya sathya] – not only do we fail to know reality but we mis-know it. We attribute permanence to impermanence. The physical universe is constant change, but we know it as permanent – change is the only thing there is. Our ideas, the objects that surround us, and our perceptions, are all transient. Even our idea of “self” is a delusion since there is no permanent self. Craving and clinging to these inevitably leads to suffering.
It is possible to end suffering in this life[Dukkha Nirodha sathya] – Like the moksha in Hinduism, nibbana can be realized in life, through discipline and effort. Nibbana means freedom from troubles, worries, ideas, and the annihilation of the illusion of the self where one understands Dhamma – the Buddha’s teaching and becomes an arahant.
The path to cessation of suffering[Dukkha Nirodha Gamini Patipada sathya] – The Middle Way – is a path between the extremes of clinging and aversion, both expressions of attachment, arriving at a state of complete equanimity. It is achieved through the Eightfold Path.
Lean More about 4 Noble Truths check first page below links for other 3 noble truths.
A study guide for 4 Noble Truths
When we talk about Dukkha you should be aware about the past dukkha, present dukkha, and future dukka, as well.
Dukkha samudaya - is the craving that makes for further becoming — accompanied by passion & delight, relishing now here & now there — i.e., craving for sensual pleasure, craving for becoming, craving for non-becoming.
Dukkha Nirodha - is the noble truth of the cessation of dukkha: the remainderless fading & cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, release, & letting go of that very craving."
Dukkha Nirodha Gamini Patipada - is the way that we need to follow to stop sufferings and attain Nibbana. The one and only Eight Fold Path
Noble EightFold Path
I hope now you got the clear path to follow and achieve Nibbana.
For supporting this Lord buddha asked us to know the reality of this world. For that you need to understand about the ultimate realities. The Chiththa - 1, Chethasika - 52, Rupa -28, Nibban -1
[Learn about 4 Ultimate realities]4
Once you gain the fair knowledge of those above factors you can seek the help of the monk to start meditaion. For that you need to take guidance from the eminante teacher of the meditaion. Lord Buddha taught us 40 meditation methods and we should know how to select one for us according to our behavioural characteristics.
If not you can start with Anapana sathi[Inhale - Exhale]meditaion.
[learn about 40 meditaion methods in brief]5
Kind Advise:
The path lord buddha taught us is very clear. Results also achievable in this world once you fulfill the requirements and it is automatically happening.
There is nothing for us to search or doing experiments and find the results. Lord Buddha never kept us to search and find things. He taught us everything. Only we need to follow the path he taught us exactly. What I have provided here gives you all the answers for the above questions.
Take your time forget all other things that you taught and learn from different places. Just limited to Lord Buddha words and trust those words and follow the path.
May Triple Gem Bless you and soon be able to achieve Nibbana!