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Methexis's user avatar
Methexis's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
9 votes

What is meant by Namu Amida Butsu and also Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?

8 votes

How is Osho seen in the Buddhist community?

8 votes

Why is Zen/Chan thought to be more related to Buddhism than to Taoism?

7 votes

Is moderate drinking acceptable in Buddhism?

6 votes

Is Jesus considered to be a buddha?

4 votes

Why should we worship statues of Lord Buddha?

3 votes

Role of belief in Buddhism

3 votes

Which Buddhist Meditation is comparable to Transcendental Meditation?

3 votes

Is there common ground between the Tao Te Ching and Buddhism?

2 votes

Why is Buddha almost treated like a God in most Buddhist traditions?

2 votes

What is the purpose of using a wand to hit a monk in Zen meditation?

2 votes

Is it harmful to the Buddha when we request he or she to continue teaching instead of entering parinirvana?

2 votes

What is the role of relics in Buddhism?