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Why does Guan Yin ride a dragon?

Wikipedia says that she is "protector of fishermen, sailors, and generally people who are out at sea". A Chinese dragon is esteemed (a symbol of the emperor), and "traditionally symbolize potent and ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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What kind of meat Guan yin believer are allowed to eat?

I have only heard that laymen followers of Guan Yin would pursue to not eat the five pungent vegetable such as Onions, Garlic, Scallions, Chives and Leeks. On the meat side, I have only heard that it ...
Krizalid_Nest's user avatar
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Why does Guan Yin ride a dragon?

I to have this question. What I would like to share is that through my experience of studying the symbolism of dragons you need to carefully find the origin of the the dragon depicted because ...
G Ellsworth's user avatar
1 vote

Why does Guan Yin ride a dragon?

I believe there are many metaphors and intrinsic meanings in this Avalokiteshvara Riding Dragon image. I would provide one of the many aspects, that the dragon is symbolic of Rage/Anger/Jealousy (嗔), ...
Mishu 米殊's user avatar
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