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15 votes
16 answers

Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy?

A claim which is often heard in connection with Buddhism is that it is not a religion. From a scientific point of view, is it a religion, or is it not?
zwiebel's user avatar
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6 votes
10 answers

Is Buddhism a fear-based religion?

My general observation about religions is that they have this fundamental assumption of fear of something. For example, fear of punishment or getting into hell is present in many religions. Buddhism ...
kalan nawarathne's user avatar
3 votes
8 answers


I feel guilty about eating non-vegetarian food (fish, eggs and chicken). I know Buddhist followers, brahmins (Hindus) and Jains follows strict rules for vegetarianism. Does eating any sort of meat ...
Nandita's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

What are the differences between "Nirvana" in Buddhism and "Moksha" in Hinduism?

A few days ago, I came across an article on Buddhism primarily about "Nirvana." After I read the article, I started to wonder because "Nirvana" sounds similar to Hinduism's "Moksha." Does anyone ...
Kiran RS's user avatar
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4 votes
14 answers

Is Buddhism a religion?

I want to know that what is Buddhism and is it a religion or just a philosophy or a exercise ? I really want to know more about it , is there a book about learning Buddhism?
Heman hisamadiny's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Brahmcharyavas : starting, ending

Last question:- "Bramchariyavas has started" -> "ब्रह्मचर्यवास शुरू हुआ"। Did this "occur" to anyone in past and the same has been mentioned in books? What are the ...
Wonderer's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

Buddhism - Is it a religion? [duplicate]

I disagreed from the very beginning, after understanding some Buddhist philosophy, that it is not a religion. In my opinion, it is not a religion but a lifestyle or administration under which ...
kiran's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

Have any notable Buddhists commented on Krishnamurti's teachings? [closed]

Have any important Buddhists made any claim/s about Krishnamurti's teachings? Especially (caveat I know nothing about this) his claim that "Tell them there is nothing to understand" Bold emphasis ...
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