If you have come to Buddhism out of a desire to no longer suffer, that desire itself may lead to more suffering for you, if you do not succeed, for whatever reason.
Buddhism provides ways to end your own suffering, but not by developing an aversion to life, but rather, by training your mind so that you do not crave things you do not have, nor desire things you will not get.
But there is much more to the Buddha’s teachings. His focus was on showing the way to end suffering for all people, thus one does not desire to end one’s own suffering, but rather desires to end the suffering of all sentient beings. It’s still a desire, but one that can be satisfied by working to end the suffering of others.
The Buddha is the epitome of this. He dedicated his life to teaching others how to end suffering, not some philosophy that was distant from our visceral daily lives in this world. His compassion for the suffering of others was total, and unconditional. Think about that.
The Buddha is the perfected manifestation of Buddha nature and is unconditionally compassionate towards all sentient beings. Much as it is said by many religions that God’s love for creation is unconditional. How awesome then, is this life we have gained, that we might work not for our own needs, but for the needs of all those in need of our compassion? Every moment of this life we have presents a precious opportunity to help others, and through that, we end our own suffering.
Lifting water from the well
A liminal vision always comes:
Life, hot and hard,
Fought counter to the ground.
Is this samsara,
Like the Orientals like to say?
Or is it the Word,
God's Logos on display?
Occidentals beseech God:
"Send a postcard our way!"
"Answer our cries for deliverance!"
"Ease the burdens of our days!"
But why would God answer
The secret yearnings in our heart?
God gave us a life!
What more should we want?
Samsara is suffering
Wrought by ignorance
So the Buddhists say :
All of This is as it is, yet
We can break free of its sway.
And I in my acceptance
Find a dance within the sway
Dancing a dance of fullness
Each and every day!
Pulling water from the well
A welcome vision now comes
Life, hot and hard
A blessing in every way!
God speaks to us in Lives
Buddha-nature manifests us all
And I in my happy acceptance
Pull water from the well.