I want to start with this Buddha quote from the Dhammapada
As rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, passion will break through an unreflecting mind.
Ch. 1: The Twin Verses, verse 13
Last night I was playing chess with a close friend and he beat me 4 times consecutively .The first time I almost beat him but my performance worsened linearly .The last time my performance was the worst.
Aside from realizing that each time I lost the more I wanted to beat him ,I realized that while playing I was constantly thinking about the possible moves and wasn't mindful or aware during the game.Its almost like I was constantly surprised by unanticipated moves
Its during the game that the feeling of defeat struck me and during this I was thinking about the plan .
How can watching and strategic thinking occur,if when I watch there is no thinking?.
A fellow here stated that thinking and watching are antagonistic .I think this has some truth as when I watch the thread of thoughts subsides.
I think this leads to a more general question and that in any sport or activity that requires a certain skill .How can mindfulness be incorporated during that activity?.
I know there are already related questions but,there doesn't seem to be a clear cut answer.