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How to practise SN 15.14 to attain enlightenment?

The version you linked is truncated, as is common for repetitions of previous sections. Each section ends: Why is that? Transmigration has no known beginning. No first point is found of sentient ...
Zac Anger's user avatar
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Is there no investigation in the 2nd, 3rd & 4th jhana?

Many suttas (such as SN 45.8, MN 117, MN 27 & AN 10.61) describe the place of mindfulness (sati) & situational awareness (sampajānna) in the Path, where mindfulness & sampajano are ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Did Gotama (the Buddha) practise incest?

A worldling without a knowledge of past lives would not see that as "incest". SN 15.14 At Sāvatthī. “Mendicants, transmigration has no known beginning. It’s not easy to find a sentient ...
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