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Questions tagged [future]

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Uncertainty vs Cause and Effect

Isn't uncertainty and cause and effect conflict each other ? Did Lord Buddha teach about uncertainty ? (Ven. Ajahn Brahma thero on uncertainty - Life is a series of unexpected events ) My ...
Dum's user avatar
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Reference wanted for "To see your past karma, look at your present body (and environment)...."

This is a reference request, not a doctrine question. I recall seeing a quote from a Buddhist text or teacher roughly to this effect... To see your past karma, look at your present body (and ...
David Lewis's user avatar
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is it possible to send merit for a future action ?

is it possible to send merit for a future action ? may the merit i do donating the 100$ - help this old lady cross the street etc go to X person ? what about may the merit i do today go to X ...
breath's user avatar
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Do Buddhas have precognition?

Do Buddhas have precognition? Do they know what events are going to happen before they do? Obviously, the Buddha knows that he will not be reborn, and he knows what will generate a good rebirth, and ...
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How would the END look like?

According to Buddhism, how would the end of times look like? Would it just be the end of a pre-defined period, or would it be something different like the Rapture in Christianity?
Dawny33's user avatar
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