I asked this question on the Philosophy StackExchange, as some belief systems have deep belief that everything is on a spectrum of polarity/opposites:
What does Buddhism say about polarities/opposites? Does everything have an opposite? If so, how?
I have several examples in my linked question, of what I think cannot be polarities:
I have thought a little about this and it appears that there are not just polarities, but at least 3 classes of property values:
- On-off values (not opposites, but a single property like "itchy" or "spikey", which can have "more" or "less" of an intensity. There is no opposite to itchy or spikey. At least the way I look at things. If you say "non-itchy" as an opposite, what does that even mean? Basically it boils down to "no value" or "some value", of one property.
- Opposite values. These are your typical "polarities" like hot/cold, bright/dim, heavy/light, etc.. Each is a single property with a pair of values on a spectrum, ranging from one side to the other.
- Multidimensional values. These are things like "color", which has at least red/blue/green (rgb, 3 values ranging from 0-255 on modern computers), or hue/saturation/lightness (hsl). I think most "properties" belong to this category TBH, but I can't think of many more. In coding, these are "data models" or "types with attributes".