I am bit Confused about Inner and Outer Peace.
If they exist, how can I know and how can I achieve them?
I am bit Confused about Inner and Outer Peace.
If they exist, how can I know and how can I achieve them?
Viveka nissita (peace from solitude):
Peace can only be achieved in two states.
In a Dhyana
Dhyana means the peace you achieve through meditation.In this state of mind you are free from the chaos of the world and the mind. But this is temporary,when you loose Dhyana you will face chaos again.
In the state of an arahant
An arahant is a person who has gone beyond greed,lust,anger,They have achieved Nirvana. Their peace is permanent.
Other than in Hollywood movies we have not heard of peace having two sides. In Buddhist reality there is no outside and inside. There is only the processes of the mind.
Simply put it,
MIND IS THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. To have peace one must have peace within, Once you have it there is no reason to worry about an Outer peace.
Here is a link to a book, It is free and you can read it online or save it to your device.Take your time and Read this.
Peace can be lost due to inner or outer reasons.
so, keep mindful on inner or outer obstacles.
when we feel inner weakness like anger, greed, hate etc. we lost our peace. We think these are due to outer reasons, but they are due to our (inner )weakness.