The message of Buddha is similar, althought he did not give a direct advice how a lay person should react on harm to lay people but indirect in gaving given absolute valide precepts: not harming and destroing life (incl. ALL living beings, also not for food), not to take what is not given, not to speak what is not true and not to misbehave in fleshes lust and not to take indoxicants, which easy cause such.
As for monks, and people who are intented to liberation, the position is and advice is more direct and clear given, not intended for the world but beyound and most famous is the saw-simily:
{patient endurance} MN 21, MN 28
There will follow a good collection of other sayings in this regard and this clear approach in many good answers.
Other than Jesus appearing and how he wins people, Buddha does not advice at it is heroic to and on the cross in serving and try to help others, he does not advice to dy for others, but for those who desire real benefit and liberation, even to dy for the training in keeping his discipline and told that his monks would rather like to dy then to break the basic and importand precepts.
So there is no evidence of advices for sacrify one self for the world and its purpose, at least to help others in the best possible way one can.
One who seeks for revenge will never be at peace, thats of cource the same message in this regard but martyr in this regard has no place and is not praised by the Buddha and his informed followers, also to act for possible display and transport such. Of course people often preach of how many sacrifies the Buddha did, gave his life, to become a Buddha to push on a certain "feel obligated" botton to win followers, but he himself did not.
Just to try to point out the differnces, not so easy to trace and would require much more explaining to understand.
(Note: This is a gift of Dhamma, not mean for commercial purpose or other wordily gains.)