"miccha dhamma" is never about homosexuality, as the comment of the Cakkavattisuttaṃ (DN 26) is wrong.
The word "miccha dhamma" and other two words are also appear in the Palokasuttaṃ (AN.3.56), and no comment about homosexuality here (as far as I know).
Obviously, "miccha dhamma" just means any bad practices or something away from sammā (involving greed to others' belongings or possessions) which happening in natural and man-made disasters, not some specific action.
The three words (adhamma-rāga), (visama-lobha), (miccha dhamma) have the similar meaning. The meaning of rāga is similar to lobha, and the meaning of visama is similar to adhamma & miccha dhamma. So, it does not mean some specific action, and the three words are just some ancient pali collocations.
That wrong comment just came from some medieval homophobic buddhists like any homophobic Buddhists in the Modern times, whether he is living in Sri Lanka or not, whether where he living colonized by Britain's CHRISTIAN CUSTOM or not.
Non-majority is not deviant practice, as left-handers are not. However discrimination against minority is deviant practice, so anyone does so is deviant.
And I must say if homosexuality involving any of this, then Buddha would say more in other suttas, not just appearing in the mouth of some medieval homophobic commentators and their homophobic followers.
Again, I can not comment, so I will post here. Vinaya does mention pandakas, but the meaning of pandaka is about impotence or eunuch.
The category of pandaka is limited to five, and every category has its specific meaning involving impotence or eunuch.
It's just because some pandakas having sex with men, thus interpreted that it is connected to homosexuality by some people. (However, In the Chinese version of sarvāstivāda-vinaya, the pandaka also trying to have sex with women)
[十誦律(the Chinese version of sarvāstivāda-vinaya):是時,跋難陀釋子,與不能男出家(this paragraph mentioned the pandaka)。是人,夜捫摸諸比丘,諸比丘驅出(this paragraph mentioned trying to have sex with bhikkhu, namely men)。到比丘尼邊式叉摩尼沙彌沙彌尼邊,皆捫摸諸比丘尼學戒尼,諸沙彌沙彌尼盡驅出(and this paragraph mentioned trying to have sex with bhikkhunī, namely women)。]
The following articles introduce the five types of pandaka and its meaning :
The vinaya does not say anything about homosexuality or heterosexuality affect the qualification of bhikkhu. (definition of homosexuality/heterosexuality: the sexual desire for the same gender or opposite gender.)
- 黃門/不能男是同一個詞彙的翻譯,律典當中已經表明,黃門只限制在五個類別裡,每一個類別的定義,都不是同性戀的定義。
- 律典問「汝是丈夫不」。根據南山律學辭典的定義,丈夫與否,根本和其性欲對象無關。
把丈夫翻成(husband-man) 來解釋,是只看中文的望文生義。
- 《摩訶僧祇律》很清楚的把「向男比丘求歡的男子」以及「向男比丘求歡的黃門」區分開來。清楚顯示了,在律典中,一個對男人有性欲的男人,和一個對男人有性欲的黃門,根本不是同個概念。
順便補充我找到的,關於(adhamma-rāga), (visama-lobha), (miccha dhamma)的解釋:
「大王。於諸外道非義論中起義論想。於無益論生利益想。於非法中生是法想。於末世時。非是智者所作論中。以為正論。生於信心。熏修邪見。以為福德。是名邪法羅網纏心」,這個才應該是miccha dhamma的意思。正好說明我之前的推測是有依據的。那種把miccha dhamma縮小成特定行為的解釋,反而無法在「經典」和「構字」上找到根據。