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@Lanka "The phenomena that arise are not "yours". They are just phenomena that arise and cease. If 2 or more phenomena occurs at the same time then you can note the strongest one of them. If its the craving then note that." the problem I have is noting "craving" most of the time did not stop there but end up on eating action . So I was tended to "suppress" the noting something else that is not the strongest . Which doesn't sound right .
@Ryan absolutely right . this what most of the time happens to me. But alternatively I tried changing my noting to another object such as "walking" . This what I meant by "suppressing "
@Lanka moving noting to another object such as walking after few noting of craving on food . So I see "Craving" is the most prominent at that time but I intentionally I move to another object ; in this case walking .
sorry that answer did not help me in the context of reading ,noting interfere with reading . it is not like walking , we can not keep noting as "reading , reading ".
@yuttadhmmo but wouldn't this noting interfere with reading or studying ? it is not like walking , we can not keep noting as "reading , reading ". What would be the right practice ?