I read the following ideas on the internet but could not find an authoritative source for these ideas:
how one gains faith after loosing faith (with wisdom, conviction) and balances wisdom and faith. This is in fact a very important aspect of many of the Buddhas, as well as sects of Buddhism teachings. Gelugpa teachings of lojong explain about the importance of balancing faith and wisdom "like 2 wings of a bird", as well as faith of importance in theravada school (until one reaches state of stream entry)
Gelugpa teachings of lojong explain about the importance of balancing faith and wisdom "like 2 wings of a bird", as well as faith of importance in theravada school (until one reaches state of stream entry)
All I could find on the internet was:
Just as the birds fly through God's creation on two graceful wings, we fly to the truth of the Church on wings of faith and reason.
Are faith & wisdom two wings of a bird (somewhere) in Buddhism?