I can't answer you by its history, for a large part is lost, and I fear that many of the scholaticscholastic articles are false information and.
I tendedtend to look at it at thetake a "conspiracy theory" perspective. ThereI think there is asome underlying motive behind to move the world to one direction, and religion/spirituality is one of their targettargets - to create a world religion that fits their goal. The rise of popularity or sudden trending of certain religious sect is a sign of caution. The Theosophical Society has had and still having itshas influence in Southeast Asia practicularly those, particularly countries which once fell under colonial rulesrule. Wikipedia, aA respectable Thai scholar turned monk advocating Thai Buddhist reform was under Theosophic influence,influence; so iswas the Japanese Buddhist scholar D. T. Suzuki, his (his wife was a TheosohphistTheosophist). Sri Lanka was a lucrative English colony: a famous monk is also a politician, elites ofelite locals who'swho were able to recievereceive higher education or even migrated to Western countries, and thus commandedhad good English are, were often the lineages the left-behind byproducts groomed by the colonial rulers to establish their rules. In China the popular monk Jing-kong teaching, who teaches Namo-Amitabha isas the one and only fix-all method to be reborn in Sukhavati...: some evidencesevidence indicated he was once a spy, and was used by NASANSA to promote the 2012-GIG. Many are learning the intrepretationinterpretation of Sutta/Sutra from them, instead of learning directly from the Sutta/Sutra,: this is worrying. Anyone with independent mind reads history, searches for the truth buried under history (or Hi[s]-Story) knew what Theosophical Society is, and how it practicipatedparticipated in the World Wars. Those popular monks should be read with caution, are they searching for enlightenment, or, carrying a hidden agenda? (Note 1 and more notes if needed)
Although the modern Theravadist footnote 1
tries to decline the relation to Hinayana it seems their final goals are the same: i.e. Self-liberation & Nibbana. Because the Theravadist has only the Pali Canon, in which the Suttas are the four Nikayas, and the rest are Abidhammas - treatises(treatises written by Bhikkhus not directly Buddha's teachings, they) their canon don't have the knowledge of theinclude teachings about how to reach Buddha-hood, nor what is Buddha-hood. Instead of queryingasking whether there aremay be missing teachings in their Suttas those conventional Theravadists labelled, some conventional Theravadists disparage the other schools' Sutras fakeof other schools, saying that they not from the Buddha but composed by some later monks; whilst they sit in their chair-of-pure-tradition wrapped by their Suttas pointing fingersmonks. ItsI think it's worth to investigateinvestigating how the Pali Canon originated,: obviously Buddha didn't visit the island of Sri Lanka (or called Ceylon). I read in this forum Soumen quoted at one incidenta claim that it was bought there by some monks sent by Mahendra there,: these monks took what they only could have at that time. However, even the Mahinda/Mahendra legend is suspected a pure Sri Lankan invention due to the obvious fact of lacking any historical artifacts left behind of such supposed important event. footnote 2
The latest discovered fragments of a Mahayana Sutra dated 75CE a Mahayana Sutra,are almost identical with the Chinese version. In contrast, all the Chinese Classical Sutras were havinghave as background of how that Bhikkhus went to India/The West (i.e. "The West") to obtain them, or how Bhikkhuthat Bhikkhus of India went to China/ (The Middle Kingdom (oror Middle Earth, 中土) taking with him the SutraSutras with them. The Chinese Sutras kept the most complete teachings related to almost all the schools,schools; the Vinayas are a collection of different schools kept separately in their original formats, not combined to produce any defined monastery rules. Many of the todaymodern Sanskrit Sutras are back-translated from Chinese, since most of thethese Sutras were lost in India. However conventional Theravadists, those conventional Theravadists allied with some modern Western scholars (Edward Conze was an old Theosophist), and some Western Theras (monks) propagandizing relentlessly, claim (unjustly, in my opinion) that the Pali Canon is the "only" Buddhavacana, the oldest and purest: (1) apealing to the interest of the conventional Theravadists, (2) discreditingand discredit the rest of the Buddha's teachings recorded in other Sutras, (3) labelling gradually one by one the Sutras are fake (eventually the Suttas, some Suttas of Nikayas have been labelled as later added already - inauthentic); in working to destroy the Buddha Dharma and manipulate the teachings to the designed interpretation. These conventional Theravadists have a palate of adoptingSome Theravadists adopt Western scholars' interpretations of the Suttas, instead of understanding in original Pali by tradition,: a lot of the English translations of Pali Canon the accuracy are also in doubtsof doubtful accuracy.
In this sense the conventional Theravadist indeed is indeed not the same as Hinayana. Hinayana"Hinayana" means onesomeone taking an immediate mean to liberate himself, reaching Arahat-hood. Hinayana doesn't label Sutras other than Agamas fake, but just that they don't see its feasible the Bodhisattva Path is feasible. Agama Sutras, the eqivalentwhich are equivalent to and coveredcover the entirety of the Pali's Nikayas (Suttas), are among the many to be studied. Agama Sutras recorded only fragments of the teachings and very repetitive, instead those most centred in meditation techniques and how to transform the Vijnanas to free from the grip of the Four Greats - the body are studied footnote 3
. The Sutras for the path of Hinayana are also collected in the Chinese Tripitaka; whilst the traditional (old) Theravadist may have to rely heavily on the Abidhammas such as the Visuddhimagga written by Buddhaghosa footnote 4
to practice meditation for self-liberation.
I can foreseeexpect that some may disagree with my answer will not be welcomed here for this forum though titled Buddhism.stackexchange.com, but obviously occupied by the currently trending conventional Theravadists to spread their doctrines. I thank you for letting me voice it here and not deleting my answer which based on facts.