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Unrul3r's user avatar
Unrul3r's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Porto, Portugal
20 votes

Isnt the desire for giving up the desires, a desire?

19 votes

Introductory books to Buddhism

19 votes

Can the Buddha ever be a woman?

14 votes

What teachings do all schools of Buddhism share?

14 votes

Chronological or other sequence for beginners

10 votes

Is celibacy intrinsic to Buddhism?

10 votes

What is Nirodha?

10 votes

What is the Interpretation of Parimukham in the context of Buddhist Meditation?

8 votes

How to deal with criticism?

7 votes

Is austerity necessary in Buddhism?

7 votes

What's the origin of 108 being a sacred number?

7 votes

What is the origin and purpose of the alms bowl used by monastics?

7 votes

Is "the blind men and the elephant" a true Buddhist story?

7 votes

Is assault against the first precept?

6 votes

Which canon and traditions does the Flower Sermon text belong to?

6 votes

What are the ten courses of action (kamma)?

6 votes

How much should one eat when following the not-eating-after-noon precept?

6 votes

Which early canonical references help one find a skillful teacher?

6 votes

A good source to learn the Pali language?

6 votes

Why does the Buddha call himself the Tathāgata?

6 votes

Is the Pali Canon the only canon in modern Buddhism?

6 votes

What are the requirements or preconditions for someone to ordain?

6 votes

What is the exact number of jataka tales?

6 votes

What is the antidote for conceit (mana)?

6 votes

Would an advanced practitioner ever stop meditating?

5 votes

What, besides karma, determines the future?

5 votes

Is there a compassion only Buddhist path?

5 votes

Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy?

5 votes

Does 'kusala' (skillful) also mean 'wholesome' and 'morally good'?

5 votes

Can a lay person become an Arahant according to the Suttas?