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EyeArrow's user avatar
EyeArrow's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
1 vote

Is there a compassion only Buddhist path?

1 vote

Is being entertained always considered a negative thing?

2 votes

Suggestions for when practice has plateaued

2 votes

Is the attainment of natural wisdom exclusive to Buddhism?

6 votes

Wisdom Devoid of Compassion

2 votes

How does one develop right view in the space of multiple views?

4 votes

Why is my voice changing?

1 vote

Is there a conflict between dependent origination and right effort?

4 votes

Do metta practices and anatta contradict each other?

3 votes

How to be mindful while studying?

5 votes

Can Metta Make you Beautiful?

1 vote

If I am not the skandhas, then what entity/group of entities am I being responsible for by being a good person?

1 vote

Isnt the desire for giving up the desires, a desire?

-1 votes

Why is Buddhahood attained only by males?

11 votes

Why is contributing to the market demand for meat not wrong?