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Ted Wrigley's user avatar
Ted Wrigley
  • Member for 5 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

How can I respond to Christians' unpleasant feedback on Buddhism?

8 votes

Is upaya a lie?

8 votes

Buddhism broke up my marriage

8 votes

Stuck in householders equanimity, what to do next?

7 votes

Is masturbation a sin when we do it to avoid intercourse with other people?

7 votes

Why did the Buddha contradict about His teachings in these two different suttas?

7 votes

God in Buddhism

6 votes

Why does the mind always want to 'do something' and how to cultivate 'non-doing'?

5 votes

Parinibbāna in secular Buddhism

5 votes

Non-Self vs. depersonalization disorder

5 votes

Are Buddhists supposed to feel superior compared to other people, and to brag about it?

5 votes

Why does Buddhism use the word "realm" when describing one of the different races?

5 votes

Is there a future Buddha?

5 votes

What exactly is the suffering of self views?

5 votes

A beginner facing Culadasa

4 votes

Is Buddhist practice a form of suicide?

4 votes

Seeking a specific book on Buddhism

4 votes

Vaccination, Ethics and Morals

4 votes

How to deal with immense guilt over past acts of cruelty? Is sincere repentance and striving really enough?

4 votes

How is it that everyone's cocksure of their own religion or spiritual path?

4 votes

Why is there even a way to the end of suffering?

4 votes

What is the Buddhist attitude towards cosmology?

4 votes

Does "old karma" come from our parents, family, community, surroundings?

4 votes

What's the Buddhist take on not liking people?

4 votes

Answering Zizek's challenge to Buddhism

4 votes

Modern Narcissism and Buddhism

4 votes

Mahasi Sayadaw Noting Method (mostly as taught by Yuttadhammo Bhikku): Help with mindfulness during daily activities?

4 votes

Opposite of buddhism

3 votes

Is Vajrayana the fastest and only way to enlightenment? Bön & Shaivism

3 votes

Is the Noble Eightfold Path a path of celibacy?

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