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What are the signs indicating onset of wisdom because of meditation practice?

Traditionally it is described as "discernment". In simple words, you don't lump everything in black and white categories anymore, you see nuances. Your answers become much more "it ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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4 votes

Why aren't more people interested in Dhamma?

In the Ayacana Sutta (SN 6.1), the Buddha explained that for the masses who are strongly clinging to sensual pleasures and other things like name, fame, wealth, health, relationships etc., it is hard ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Improving Sati-Sampajañña (situative wisdom)

Improving Sati-Sampajañña is actually right samadhi. When you want to improve "every day life situations", then you do Sati-Sampajañña. this is exactly the purpose of Sati-Sampajañña: sorting ...
user12901's user avatar
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Where does the Buddha describe suffering as being like a person who is hit by two arrows?

Probably this: Sallatha Sutta: The Arrow (SN 36.6) The Blessed One said, "When touched with a feeling of pain, the uninstructed run-of-the-mill person sorrows, grieves, & laments, beats his ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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How can we know if a dharma teaching is really what the Buddha taught? Is there some sort of test?

If you combine scholarly research with the suttas and practice the directions, you can get a good idea of what the Buddha taught. The suttas are an instruction manual. They are directions for the ...
triplej's user avatar
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Any further question? What best to ask on one's last chance?

You have the one final chance to ask one thing. What would it be? That was Bahiya's problem in Udana 1.10 (quoted below). Bahiya, the advanced ascetic who was not enlightened, sought to understand in ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Regarding Nicca and Anicca natures of Avidya and Prajna

If Tanha(craving) is caused by Avijja(ignorance) and if Avijja is sustained by Tanha, the cycle cannot be broken using Avijja and Tanha. But that doesn't mean it cannot be broken using something that ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
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What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom in the Buddha's teaching?

In Mahayana, intelligence and wisdom are not used interchangeably. Wisdom has various meanings, depending on the context. The issue is that different Tibetan words are translated 'wisdom.' I assume ...
Tenzin Dorje's user avatar
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Improving Sati-Sampajañña (situative wisdom)

No, not exactly. I'm all for sati and silā, and while this cultivation is conducive to Samādhi, creates a beneficial environment for Samādhi, there is no direct linkage. This is why people who spend ...
brother eric's user avatar
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How can I be happy at other's happiness?

If you have a child then when your child is happy you are automatically happy, and that happiness you experience is 100% without holding back, that is because your love and compassion for your child ...
00 owl's user avatar
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What is the common understanding of all enlightened people?

As others have already answered, the four noble truths are the wisdom held in common by the teachings of the Buddha that lead to enlightenment. As the Buddha said in his first discourse, "As ...
yuttadhammo's user avatar
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Why we need Samadhi to attain enlightement?

Is widom something like that ? What is the connection between samadhi and wisdom ? There's a big difference between wisdom and being book-smart. If you have a fish tank full of muddy water, and if ...
santa100's user avatar
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Is practice of Vedanta a prelude to practice of Buddhism?

If you read the Vedanta page on Wikipedia, you will find this info: Vedanta or Uttara Mīmāṃsā is one of the six (āstika) schools of Hindu philosophy. Some of the better known sub-traditions ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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What is prajna?

Prajna is direct practical realization of Buddha-Dharma. It is when you 1) clearly see in front of your nose (and everywhere around you) all that cool stuff being spoken about in Buddhist books, and ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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How can we know if a dharma teaching is really what the Buddha taught? Is there some sort of test?

Here is what I've found: It's just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends & companions, kinsmen & relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the ...
Carlita's user avatar
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Self-Compassion and Wisdom

In Buddhism, wisdom means discerning suffering & freedom from suffering (SN 48.10). Therefore, self-compassion certainly arises from true wisdom; just as faith in the Buddhism path for the purpose ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Unity of Wisdom

As a mental faculty, wisdom is one thing. It is the capacity to discern how things contribute to suffering or, otherwise, contribute to freedom from suffering. The suttas say: And what is the ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Unity of Wisdom

In Buddhism, wisdom or special wisdom or omniscience, is direct and deep understanding of principle (principles?) behind all phenomena. In one sense, this wisdom is universal and applies to all ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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What is Direct Seeing?

Am I wrong or is "beginner's mind" a Zen term that means "seeing the experience you are aware of, moment by moment, as if you have never experienced concepts before... Like you have just been born ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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What is Direct Seeing?

My dear friend in Dhamma, @UUU… I sincerely hope that you try to understand what I write. Both you and I have a lot of un-learning to do. Today a relatively small group of dhamma farers are seeing ...
Saptha Visuddhi's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom in the Buddha's teaching?

In Buddhism, 'wisdom' is something that cuts through & eradicates mental defilements (of greed, hatred & delusion), leading to the ending of suffering. Where as other types of knowledge do not....
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Is it correct to say that true compassion (not trying to be) only manifest when there is wisdom?

Correct. True compassion comes from being able to relate, to see things from the perspective of the object of compassion. While this may partially exist before wisdom, only complete realization of ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Improving Sati-Sampajañña (situative wisdom)

As the other answer explained, you start with Sila and the Right Effort: "And what, monks, is Right Effort? There is the case where a monk generates desire, endeavors, activates ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Should/Would the Noble Sangha let go of the Dhamma?

Although "Dhamma" is in the title, the text of the question seems to be asking instead about the Discipline: If the Sangha has become a group of householder wearing robes, should the Noble Sangha let ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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What is laughing wisdom and swift wisdom?

Footnotes 50 and 51 from Piya Tan's analysis of SN 55.24: Of joyous wisdom,” hāsa,pañña, alt tr “of laughing wisdom” (from hasa, “laughter, mirth, joy”). “Here one with much joy [laughter], ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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