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4 votes

Right situation for Teaching Dhamma or giving advice

According to the suttas, the general principle is to offer Dhamma only when asked (AN 9.5). The Buddha set this example in MN 26, when he waited for the Brahmā Sahampati to ask the Buddha to teach.
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Do we indulge in ignorance?

Active indulgence in ignorance is found. Ignorance takes birth because there is attachment to food, fame , money, father, mother, children, knowledge, house, clothes, internet, etc. As long as there ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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Which teachings and concepts were already existing before the Buddha and which ones are introduced by the Buddha?

The following were introduced by the Buddha, as explicitly stated in the suttas mentioned: 4 noble truths (SN 56.11, which says: "things unheard before") 8 fold noble path (SN 56.11, which ...
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Explaining a remark made by Ajahn Brahm

The passage appears only found in the Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha, which is unusual, given it appears not mentioned in the various other suttas or in the Vinaya about the Buddha's ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Right situation for Teaching Dhamma or giving advice

I doubt if it is a small gap in their understanding that causes them not to see how they are hurting themselves and the people around them in an indirect albeit unconscious manner. I think it is for ...
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Which teachings and concepts were already existing before the Buddha and which ones are introduced by the Buddha?

There were many Buddhas before Gautam Buddha and there will be a Buddha in future. Understanding of Knowledge is impermanent but knowledge expressed by Buddhas are permanent. During Buddhas period ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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Do we indulge in ignorance?

AN 10.61 says the food/nutriment of ignorance is the five hindrances and the food/nutriment of the five hindrances is the three unskillful actions (of body, speech & mind). Bhikkhus, this is said:...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Did the Buddha ever turn away certain people from his teachings?

In SN 42.2 and SN 42.3, an actor and a warrior ask the Buddha whether their professions would lead them to heaven based on their assumption of the positive contribution of their professions. The ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Did the Buddha ever turn away certain people from his teachings?

Yes. The Buddha often didn't answer questions or attempt to teach others. SN 44.10 is a well-known example of this.
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Did the Buddha ever turn away certain people from his teachings?

Not exactly what you remember, but similar: Uposatha Sutta - One uposatha night, during the first watch, Ananda approaches the Buddha and asks him to recite the Patimokkha. Three times he asks, but ...
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