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9 votes

What do Buddhists do to prevent sexual desires?

Yes, they do something to lower sexual desire. Sexual desire is a form of sensual desire which is the first of the 5 Hindrances to meditation practice. The commentaries to the Satipatthana Sutta list ...
OidaOudenEidos's user avatar
8 votes

Taking care of our sexual energy

The "five mindfulness trainings" obviously correspond to the traditional "five precepts". So you can find more (by other authors) on that subject by searching for "third precept", for example ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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8 votes

Sexual Desire, Masturbating and Asuba Bawana

So basically caught up in the social norms, i used to watch porn videos and masturbate and got a bit attached to it. Kept on doing it for a few years. Do not underestimate the harm & addictive ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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7 votes

Marriage and porn

Some socially 'Islamic' people (as distinct from Muslim practitioners) get married on a Friday and divorce on the Monday just so they can have sex on the weekend & not break the rules. Obviously, ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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7 votes

Dealing with Lust

The YouTube video "Ask A Monk: Pornography and Masturbation (and Addiction in General)" by Ven. Yuttadhammo may be helpful to you. He discusses "interior causes for such lust" from the perspective of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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7 votes

Is masturbation a sin when we do it to avoid intercourse with other people?

First off, Buddhism and karmic faiths generally don't really have a concept of 'sin'. 'Sin' is a Western conception — a feature of Abrahamic (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) faiths — that points at ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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6 votes

Dealing with Lust

I know Buddhism posits that lust depends on the sense organs, and contact with an object. Thus, I've read it promotes decreasing this contact and guarding the senses. No. Lust depends on ignorance. ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 votes

What makes someone take rebirth with non heterosexual inclinations?

I think the question is unimportant because Buddhism does not provide an answer for this question & because in Buddhism there is a path for laypeople that can be practised by both heterosexual &...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 votes

Sex Before Marriage

So we had a friends-with-benefits relationship just to have sexual satisfaction with no feelings. If sex did not feel pleasurable; why would you have sex? There is no such thing as sex with no ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the attitude toward homosexuality in Buddhism?

In respect to the cultural context of the Pali suttas, I have only read references to: (i) parents arranging the marriage of their (pubescent) children (DN 31) &; (ii) sex in marriage between ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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5 votes

Question on sexual immorality and a family situation

It is not officially a breach of the 3rd precept, which, per definition, relates to actual sexual activity with specifically defined people (such as another person's husband or wife or children/...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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5 votes

Buddhism and fornication

There are four conditions for wrong conduct in sexual pleasures. There must be a man or woman with whom it is improper to have sexual intercourse. There must be intention to have sexual intercourse ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
5 votes

Husband has sexual activity with other woman with the consent of wife

It does not break the third precept if the husband has the wife's willful(not forced) consent. It's somewhat similar to kings having more than one queen. Having said that, there is no such thing as ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
5 votes

Why is lust considered as being unskillful?

On the mundane level, all the other answers are okay. On the supramundane level, it's not as much about partaking of sex as it is about your attitude, the implications of the relationship, the ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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5 votes

Can a girl & a boy be friends

If you are not married, the Buddha said to look at opposite sex friends like brother & sister: 'Come now, monks: with regard to women who are old enough to be your mother, establish the ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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4 votes

Sexual disinterest

Meditation can make the mind more sensitive to coarse/unrefined things however becoming accustomed to refined experiences of love or intimacy can also result in loveless sex feeling pointless & ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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4 votes

Orgasm and Virya

Unless relatively deep/refined samadhi & tranquility have been developed, it is difficult to perceive the loss of energy & loss of mental clarity due to orgasm. Instead, to the undeveloped ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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4 votes

Does Buddhism have an answer to disturbing sexual fantasies?

Ways of Denourishing of Sensual Desire. Asubha reflextion, refextion on the ugly of the body behind skin, hair, nails, reflecting the backwards of sensuality. Watching the dogs on the street... [...
Samana Johann's user avatar
4 votes

What makes someone take rebirth with non heterosexual inclinations?

My first teacher taught how different types of attachments lead to certain karmic situations. According to that system, homosexuality comes from attachment to high ideals and high standards. ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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4 votes

Sexual Ethics in Buddhism

Why is lust seen as being unskillful? Your question goes directly to MN1, which is a difficult sutta: relishing is the root of suffering. Briefly, the delusion of lust assumes that one can ...
OyaMist's user avatar
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Buddha's view on sexuality

There are two levels of Teaching, for the common people, and for professional seekers of Nirvana. To first, Buddha taught no-nonsense ethics, chastity etc. Sex for procreation, faithful marriage, ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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4 votes

Sexual Misconduct involving Breast (Women)?

-- Officer, I was only going a little over the speed limit To understand misconduct, we need to understand the reason for the rules we adopt. The rules are guides on our journey to letting go of ...
OyaMist's user avatar
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Feeling scared/ having aversion to looking at "pretty" women

Ajahn Chan, the famous monk of the forest tradition, once did a practice to avoid looking at any woman. When the practice ended and he took a look at the first woman; he described it as deeply ...
Desmon's user avatar
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3 votes

What do Buddhists do to prevent sexual desires?

Ways to prevent sexual desire are described in the Bharadvaja Sutta. Here, the best method for developing the "lifelong chaste life, perfect & pure, and make it last entire lives" is advised to ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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3 votes

Marriage and porn

Donating porn/nude arts, women to men for evil purposes, bulls for cows to breed, alcohol and arranging dances(probably sexually arousing) are considered evil charity which are sinful. So clearly porn ...
seeker's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the attitude toward homosexuality in Buddhism?

"miccha dhamma" is never about homosexuality, as the comment of the Cakkavattisuttaṃ (DN 26) is wrong. The word "miccha dhamma" and other two words are also appear in the Palokasuttaṃ (AN.3.56), and ...
He Cheng-xuan's user avatar

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