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Buddhist Verse Closest To Christian/Jewish Verse

How can I inflict upon another what is displeasing and disagreeable to me? Veludvareyya Sutta And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. Luke 6:31 * In the same ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Where does Buddha mention about Sanatana dharma (Hinduism)?

sanantana adjective primeval; old; eternal Doing a quick search, the Pali word 'sanantana' appears to be found rarely in the Pali suttas. Apart from being used in references to the Vedic ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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4 votes

True versus Correct in uttered speech

Based on the PTS dictionary entries for taccha and bhūta: Taccha: ... true, real, justified, usually in combn w. bhūta. bhūta taccha tatha If it's usually "in combination" then perhaps it'...
ChrisW's user avatar
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3 votes

What chapter of the Abhidharmartha Pradipika talks about infinite universes?

It is in ... AN 3.80. The Path of Purification, Six Recollection, Recollection into Buddha's Value.(Visuddhimagga ChaAnussatiNiddesa BuddhanussatiKatha). AbhidhammatthaVibhavini 5th Chapter. etc. ...
Bonn's user avatar
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Buddhism and miracles

Yes, most Buddhists do believe that the Bodhisatta walked 7 steps immediately after being born and also believe in the miracles mentioned in the scriptures literally. Within this group some believe ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
3 votes

Did Gautama Buddha endorse the caste system?

Did Gautama Buddha endorse the caste system? Of course not. There's a whole chapter in the Dhammapada where it shows what qualifies one as a brahman. None of them use high birth or high caste as the ...
santa100's user avatar
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Are there differences in the way Buddhism and Theism treats scripture?

The Buddha advocates active investigation and practice (vs. blind faith): MN80:16.5: Let a sensible person come—neither devious nor deceitful, a person of integrity. I teach and instruct them. MN80:...
OyaMist's user avatar
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Are there differences in the way Buddhism and Theism treats scripture?

In theistic religions, scriptures are either a form of primary revelation - an incorruptible verbatim record of the words of god(s) conveyed by prophets, or a form of secondary revelation - a divinely ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Have any historical texts identified whether a reincarnated soul's true identity can be identified?

I can't offer you the Jewish yarmulke, but I can try to explain the Buddhist Yamaka. The Yamaka Sutta is one of the texts you can read. There are more in this answer. Another one is the Vina Sutta. ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Stories and teachings that glorify adult children and speak against toxic parenting

Yes. There is a teaching from the Buddha that is very practical about this. He exhorts you to be the son or daughter who is superior to their unvirtuous parents. “Now what, bhikkhus, is the superior ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Which sankhya scriptures were taught to buddha?

According to Palikanon's page on Alara Kalama: One of the two teachers to whom Gotama, after his renunciation, first attached himself, the other being Uddaka Rāmaputta. In the Milindapañha (p.236) ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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2 votes

Do Buddhist texts record or comment on the then-prevalent varna or caste systems?

Straight forward answer is Buddhism never accept caste system or the color. In "Wasala suthra" (as I remember the name) Lord Buddha has clearly mentioned that, a person doesn't become noble by his ...
Syrus's user avatar
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Buddhist Verse Closest To Christian/Jewish Verse

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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2 votes

What exactly did Lord Buddha say about Size of Atom?

As described in Theravada Buddhist texts of the Abhidhamma Pitaka in the Tipitaka, there is no indivisible part of the atom. Every atom is divisible. If anyone divides it infinitely, the ultimate ...
Pretty_Girl's user avatar
2 votes

What are the strengths and weaknesses of attempts to describe Nirvana in scripture?

The Pali suttas provide accurate descriptions of Nirvana, such as the 'destruction of craving' (Dhammapada 154; MN 37); 'visible here-&-now destruction of greed, hatred & delusion' (AN 3.55; ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Where can i find the original text of learning the jhanas

In advance, the whole tipitaka is about jhāna, include sīla&vinaya. For more focusing, see paṭisambhidāmagga. For the summary, see Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga). For more ...
Bonn's user avatar
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Where can i find the original text of learning the jhanas

On this page, you can find quotes from the Pali Canon on jhanas together with their sources. For further commentary on jhanas, please see this page. This question may also help you.
ruben2020's user avatar
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Did Gautama Buddha endorse the caste system?

No He just shown the path of truth to all the human beings and he didn't care who is he teaching. Why do you think that he just taught high caste people. He had also teach Dhamma to killer like "...
Swapnil's user avatar
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Do Buddhist texts record or comment on the then-prevalent varna or caste systems?

Regardless of the type of caste one is in, all have an equal opportunity to become enlightened. From the Gihi Sutta: In the same way, wherever one is born among human beings — noble ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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How do you understand the Cakkavatti Sutta?

I have never read the sutta. Bhikkhu Sujato wrote: The Dīgha contains truly mythic texts in DN 26 Cakkavattisīhanāda and DN 27 Aggañña. These set forth a myth of origins, replacing conventional ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Huayan Buddhism Flower Garland

華嚴 (Hua-yan) literally means "flower garland". The name is the Chinese translation of "Avatamsaka". The name Flower Garland is meant to suggest the crowning glory of a Buddha's ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Did Gautama Buddha endorse the caste system?

The Buddha did not endorse the caste system. Instead, he taught that any person, regardless of their birth, is destined for good outcomes, if they are consummate in virtue and indulge in good ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Where does 'contentment' fit in walking the path of Dhamma?

The sutta SN 16.1 is about contentment. From SN 16.1: At Savatthī. “Bhikkhus, this Kassapa is content with any kind of robe, and he speaks in praise of contentment with any kind of robe, and he does ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Regarding Zodiac signs in authentic and classic Buddhist scriptures

There is no mention of specific zodiac signs in the Pali Canon, as far as I know. Stars, galaxies or constellations are only mentioned generically. Mainstream historians say the Buddha lived around ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Looking for an Interpretation of The Blue Cliff Record

A monk asked Tonzan, “What is Buddha?” Tozan replied, “ three pounds of flax.” -Case 18 from The Gateless Gate Which is enough flax to make a monks robe. But it's stated as raw material, as before ...
CriglCragl's user avatar
2 votes

True versus Correct in uttered speech

The Pali in MN 58 is: In the same way, prince, the Realized One does not utter speech that he knows to be untrue, false and pointless, and which is disliked by others. (Sujato translation) Evameva ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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1 vote

Are there no Buddhas from other universes that are equal to our Buddha?

All this passage really says is that attaining buddhahood is the highest ideal one can reach for, in this universe or any other. This isn't about 'our' buddha, or this buddha or that buddha. This is ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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What chapter of the Abhidharmartha Pradipika talks about infinite universes?

Abhidharmarthapradipika can be read here in four volumes, but it is all in Sinhalese. You will need to find a translator or someone who can read it for you. I don't know if it has been translated. ...
Caoimhghin's user avatar
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