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6 votes

Can anyone briefly explain what is Dhamma?

The term dhamma has multiple meanings in Buddhism. Dhamma is defined in the glossary page as: dhamma [Skt. dharma]:(1) Event; a phenomenon in and of itself; (2) mental quality;...
ruben2020's user avatar
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5 votes

Why must we not wear a hat or cap when listen or teach Dhamma?

This rule has very archaic origins. When listening to a monk explaining the dhamma we normally put the monk in a more respected position (e.g. sitting in a chair while we sit on the floor); when we do ...
Hugh's user avatar
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If there are no past and future lives, why should we practice Buddhism?

There is no real difference between: this current moment in life with future moments afterwards with Nirvana as the climax and this current life with a string of lives afterwards with Nirvana as ...
Lowbrow's user avatar
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Can someone provide explanation on dependent origination

okay, since you asked for a simple explanation... this is about as simple as I can make it: Avidya: A newborn baby has no memories nor concepts, just a potential to learn. Samskaras: Everything that ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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What is meant by setting the "wheel" of Dharma in motion?

What is meant by setting the "wheel" of Dharma in motion? Why is it called a wheel? Here is my interpretation based on "things I heard here and there" (so not official): In this ancient metaphor, a ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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How can we make compatible the 'ehipassiko' aspect of the Dhamma with the faith aspects of it?

In this sutta (, it is explained that the power of Gotama Buddha as a sammasambuddha cannot or should not be conjecture about; the ...
santa100's user avatar
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The thorny issue of anatta

There are several questions brought up here. One I see you asking: is the entire teaching of Buddha- with everything it has to offer -- is a true explanation of reality or is it merely a useful ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the meaning of the word Dhamma?

"Dhamma" is a complicated word, or a simple word that's used in many different contexts. Here is a definition. I'd summarise it to myself as "described thing" or "anything you can identify". In the ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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What is meant by setting the "wheel" of Dharma in motion?

You can read about the Dharma Wheel or Dharmachakra in the article "The Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) Symbol in Buddhism" by Barbara O'Brien. In this article, it is stated that the Dharma Wheel is a ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Why have I awoken Now?

-- "why is it that in this life time I have became obsessively bent to attain nibbana" There is a traditional Buddhist teaching that explains this Awakening through a combination of lucky causes and ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Choosing a Buddhist partner ain't beneficial to spreading Dhamma?

Choose a person with compatible generosity, compatible morality, compatible faith and compatible wisdom. That means even among Buddhists, you still have to filter out the potential spouses. Marrying ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
4 votes

What does 'passing away of dhamma' mean in Satipatthana sutta?

The materialistic mindset invented language built around the key notion of objects. Objects are represented by nouns. In contrast to that, the spiritual mindset or the mind-over-matter mindset came up ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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4 votes

Is Emptiness empty of Dhammas?

Poster says emptiness is empty of self and all phenomena (meaning "all Dhammas"), which translates to "All Dhammas are empty of all Dhammas". This is NOT how it is stated in ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Is Emptiness empty of Dhammas?

Apparently, there are two types of emptiness. But you have the understand what emptiness means in each case. The first type of emptiness is the emptiness related to the self. This literally comes out ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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4 votes

Which word is more suitable for describing reality?

Reality is a word that has two opposite meanings: Sentient being's subjective reality, known in the modern semiotic science as "Umwelt", is the world a sentient being finds itself in: a ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Is the reverse of “Everything which has a beginning must have an end.” also true?

is it true that that which has an end must have had a beginning? The dhamma doesn't say so -- translations of SN 15.9 say that samsara has no known or knowable beginning: https://www.accesstoinsight....
ChrisW's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I escape the suffering of losing my father?

Let go of what is going to cause the suffering. I.e. your attachment towards him. Practice Satipattana meditation.
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
3 votes

Sources on the lifespan of Dhamma

Please see the essay "The Coming Buddha, Ariya Metteyya" by Ven. Sayagyi U Chit Tin: During the period from the time of Buddha Gotama to the minimum life span, the Buddha's Dispensation (Buddha-...
ruben2020's user avatar
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3 votes

Can anyone briefly explain what is Dhamma?

In the Rahula Samyutta, the word 'Dhamma' refers the teachings of 'ultimate or higher truth' (lokuttara dhamma), which lead to developing the Noble Eightfold Path & enlightenment. As stated: ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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If there are no past and future lives, why should we practice Buddhism?

Life does not end with the moment of death. A new birth is taken based on the last thought that came at the time of death. If you it is suicide, the thoughts towards the end of your life are not ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
3 votes

If there are no past and future lives, why should we practice Buddhism?

If you are sick or feeling unwell, why see a doctor? If you live in a cave, why live in a clean modern house? If you can walk, why drive a car or fly in an airplane? If you are hungry, why eat? ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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I do not know what is my Dhamma anymore; Can anyone help?

Following the Dhamma towards the end of suffering, is not doing the natural thing. It's actually doing what's opposite to what's natural. It's going against the current. What is natural is to follow ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Is what is impermanent always the cause of suffering?

Is what is impermanent always the cause of suffering? It's not. The cause of suffering is your Identification with the Impermanent.
Alok Karnik's user avatar
3 votes

Is what is impermanent always the cause of suffering?

Getting angry or possessive causes suffering. Impermanence does not have to occur. Mere attachment is enough, which is why the 1st noble truth defines all suffering as attachment (upadana). When ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Am I a man of integrity?

Your dog guards your house from robbers and other criminals. But if it barks at your friends and relatives, shouldn't you shush it? Is that being ungrateful to the dog? Rice is the staple diet of ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
3 votes

What is meant by setting the "wheel" of Dharma in motion?

What are the three phases and twelve aspects of Dhamma? Copying extracts from this text and putting them into a numbered list: 1st truth: This is the dukkha ariyasacca': in me, bhikkhus, in ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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