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If devas are real, than why don't they show us themself?

They are around, just that you don't see them. Likewise bacterias are everywhere, you don't see them. Not seeing/hearing is not existing obviously is scientifically proven false, but people tend to ...
Mishu 米殊's user avatar
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4 votes

Did aliens come to meet Lord Buddha?

Devas are buddhist celestial beings. They don't have to mean aliens.
Toaster's user avatar
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Buddhas vs bodhisattvas vs arhats vs devas vs brahmas

Actually Paceccabuddhas do teach but in brief and in general terms like from one Theravada example after 4 Paccekabuddas received meals for 4 days from a King at his palace when the King asked them ...
Kenneth Elder's user avatar
3 votes

How to get a nymph rebirth in deva heavens?

Practice Metta meditation and try not to get angry or upset. Speak kind words. Avoid harsh words, divisive words etc. Keep to the five precepts. Do good deeds like donations, alms givings etc. and ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
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Progressive rebirth from one heaven to a higher heaven

The opportunities for doing good deeds are extremely rare in the deva realm. The deva realm is hard to imagine just as it is hard for the devas to comprehend the problems faced by human beings. The ...
Desmon's user avatar
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Did aliens come to meet Lord Buddha?

Deva is from our universe (sometimes from other universe). Alien is something we cannot identify yet. May be they are living on a surface like human beings or may be they are living in the space like ...
Francesco's user avatar
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If devas are real, than why don't they show us themself?

You need to develop the divine eye faculty to see Devas and ghosts. Read the Visuddhimagga if you are genuinely interested in it.
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
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If devas are real, than why don't they show us themself?

Good people have no doubt in Devas, having no doubt in devas, they watch out their deeds, knowing that they are next and here. Watching out their deeds, they are no more ugly and bad smelling for ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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If devas are real, than why don't they show us themself?

First, we have to distinguish between mundane devas and supramandane deities. The mundane devas can either follow Dharma or not, but usually they do not, because of their illusion of everlasting ...
Manjusri's user avatar
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If devas are real, than why don't they show us themself?

When you walk in a park and find some ants walking in a row, bend down and look at the ants and observe what they are doing. Then wave your hands at them and say, "ants, how are you today?". They don'...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Are virtuous humans reborn as Devas and sinful humans reborn as Demons?

While it's certainly a bit more complicated that that, it definitely doesn't happen randomly. Refer to the 31 Planes of Existence. Notice the 3rd column on each table for each realm lists the various ...
santa100's user avatar
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Are virtuous humans reborn as Devas and sinful humans reborn as Demons?

The Buddha connects rebirth with morality. Right view and shining morality leads to the heavens. Wrong view and hellish conduct leads to the hells. It is a little bit difficult to translate the ...
Caoimhghin's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent of "Dokkaebi" in Buddhism?

What you describe fits yakkha (Pali) or yaksha (Sanskrit). You can find more info on this on the Wikipedia page on Yaksha where it says: Yaksha (Sanskrit: यक्ष yakṣa, Kannada: ಯಕ್ಷ yakṣa, Tamil: ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Is it believed to be better to be reborn as a deva or as a human again? Which should I be trying to be reborn as?

Ideally, you're a healthy human during a Buddha's dispensation so you can understand the teachings and practice them. Devas can still practice Dhamma but their world is so pleasurable that they're ...
triplej's user avatar
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Is it believed to be better to be reborn as a deva or as a human again? Which should I be trying to be reborn as?

Remember the life of the Buddha himself: he was locked in a palace surrounded by obscene luxury and didn't think of Dharma. Even with the merit he accumulated through countless lives, his awakening ...
user53's user avatar
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Is it believed to be better to be reborn as a deva or as a human again? Which should I be trying to be reborn as?

From Awareness Itself by Ven. Ajaan Fuang Jotiko, compiled by his disciple Ven. Thanissaro: A group of laypeople who had studied the Abhidhamma together came to Ajaan Fuang to try out his version of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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If I'm reborn as a Deva, how long will my lifespan be?

A translation of AN 4.123 says: The devas of Brahma's retinue, monks, have a life-span of an eon. A run-of-the-mill person having stayed there, having used up all the life-span of those devas, goes ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Are virtuous humans reborn as Devas and sinful humans reborn as Demons?

The suttas describe beings reappearing in different realms, according to their actions, ie kamma. Skillful actions are said to lead to rebirth in a "higher" realm, and vice versa.
StopVladTheInvader's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an equivalent of "Dokkaebi" in Buddhism?

According to the buddhism having supernatural powers is a matter of mind level. So any of the creatures including human, deva(god) or yakka can have powerful minds which has the ability to do things ...
Gihan Gamage's user avatar
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Does Buddhist scripture mention Zoroastrianism?

There is no known mention of Zoroastrianism or Zoroaster in Buddhist texts, as far as I know, but there is a mention of "Gotama" in a Zoroastrian text. According to a letter published in 1898 (from ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Devas: offerings and merit sharing

Why asking on places where hardly anybody has right view, believes in Devas, nor is pleased to make gifts, cherishes generosity, aside of no ideas how the elders and the Sangha actually deals with it? ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
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Devas: offerings and merit sharing

The Jāṇussoṇi Sutta is about merit or benefit accruing to the receiver of the gift. The Ratana Sutta is probably about merit or benefit accruing to the giver of the gift. Is so, there appears to be ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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What is the difference between the path to nibanna and the path to higher planes?

The opposite is also true, selflessness, compassion, non-attachment, non-self are path to higher rebirth but also nibbanna. There're different gradations to the 31 planes of existence due to ...
santa100's user avatar
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What is the difference between the path to nibanna and the path to higher planes?

Practicing Samatha meditations you reach higher realms. Practicing Vipassana meditation you reach Nibbana. Samath practice attenuates attachment aversion and ignorance. Vipassana practice fully ...
SarathW's user avatar
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How can I tell the difference between the Deva realm and the Buddha and bodhisattva realms?

Denizens of the heavenly planets enjoy more and live longer. They have made lots of good karma in their human form of life and became qualified to enjoy heavenly life. The joy of of Buddhas is eternal ...
Marino Klisovich's user avatar
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Devas' Mortality

A yakkha is a type of deva, that is tree-dwelling. They live in the plane of the Devas of the Four Great Kings (catumaharajika deva). Udana 4.4 tells the story of a yakkha, who despite being warned ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Devas' Mortality

Deva can die by own angry mind. See Dha.A.2 appamāda-cittavagga Sāmāvatīvatthu (ghosakadevaputta).
Bonn's user avatar
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