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What is the difference between destruction of craving and cessation of craving?

According to Sanskrit dictionary, the two words have different connotations that I think are important for correct understanding of Buddhist doctrine. Pali kkhaya or Sanskrit kṣayā (kshaya) means &...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Will I be reindividualised after death?

Will I be reindividualised after death? Perhaps the answer depends on whether you are "individualized" now? In this answer, Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu wrote (emphasis mine), I've talked about the ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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Is smoking tobacco acceptable in any school of Buddhism?

Is smoking tobacco acceptable in any school of Buddhism? I read that smoking is done. The Broken Buddha includes these (and other) references to smoking. No Sri Lankan monk would dare to smoke ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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Is craving unskilful because it fuels craving?

Generally speaking, I think you're right. Ānanda, when one dwells contemplating gratification in things that can be clung to, craving increases. With craving as condition, [the rest of D.O. chain] ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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How does craving cause self-identity or self-habit?

It's kind of complex and would take a long time to explain in full details, but here's a simplified version: There's a chain of reifications leading from craving to selfish action to self. This is ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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4 votes

What does craving feel like?

For me, craving is obsessive imagination and cyclical replay of a momentary situation in which a key sign of the desirable object is reconstructed by the mind and the sanna (perception or recognition) ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Craving vs Interest

You can have interest (Chanda) without craving. It is craving one should abandon. More particularly your reaction to different feeling (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral) with unwholesome mental states (...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
4 votes

Nature of Craving in Charm and Impressing Others

What type(s) of attachment(s) are involved? This is carving arising due to self-view. There are 18 internal and external views across past, present and future making a total of 108 views of self ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
4 votes

Objectification in Buddhism

Thanissaro Bhikkhu equates papanca with objectification:
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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3 votes

What do ethical conduct (sila) and compassion have to do with the cessation of dukkha?

Kimattha Sutta (AN 11.1) explains the relationship of skillful virtues (sila) to Nibbana: Ven. Ananda asked: “What is the purpose of skillful virtues? What is their reward?” The Buddha's ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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What do ethical conduct (sila) and compassion have to do with the cessation of dukkha?

Dukkha comes not just from craving, but from unsatisfied craving, in other words from inner conflict between "is" and "should". Sila, Prajna, and Samadhi are three methods to remove and prevent that ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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Difference between desire (chanda) and craving (tanha)?

Chanda is acceptation to do something to an object. However, it is not decision (adhimokkha), or attachment (taṇhā). In vinaya pitaka, it often use as "agreement" (i.e.). There are: Unwholesome ...
Bonn's user avatar
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Sensual Pleasures and their removal (MN 19 & MN 75)

There is a sutta where the Buddha says that until he experienced piti during meditation; his mind was still capable of returning to thoughts of sensual pleasure. This said, starting the path ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Sensual Desire & their gradual cessation

My teacher always said, reality is your interpretation, you are in control of your perspective. Buddha said, you should be in control of your perception enough to be able to see repulsive in the ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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How could craving be the habit of reification?

Reification is simpistic naive superficial perception. It's a generalization of the same problem that children have with toys. A child sees a new shiny toy and because he does not think deeply, ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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What prevents us from attaining Nibbana?

It's a "false dichotomy" to ask, "Is it this or that?" -- because it's both: they're related. Given the "three poisons" (ignorance, desire, and aversion) I think that ignorance is described as the "...
ChrisW's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as craving for enlightenment and would it be unwholesome?

A strong craving (Taṇhā) for enlightenment would not get you there as it is unwholesome. You need some desire or motivation (Chanda) to get to enlightenment. But when you get there this desire is ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
3 votes

Craving vs Interest

Interest in a topic can be craving (tanha). One of the six senses is the intellect and ideas are the sense-objects for the intellect. If a certain idea gives you pleasure, then you may be craving and ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Are Habits a Kind of Attachment?

Kilesa has a residual impression which is called vāsanā which even arhats (other than the Buddha) have. Only a Buddha eliminates that. This is what drives habits. Many habits are reflexive and there ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
3 votes

What Buddha's techniques I can use to uproot deep craving for a woman's love?

I also had a girl that I loved so much and her presence is always on my mind till now .Its actually not a problem ,its beautiful ,because her idea in my mind was actually a discovery of myself ,her ...
Omar Boshra's user avatar
2 votes

how to eradicate past smaskaras

Ven.Yuttadhammo bhikkhu has given you proper advice. Being true to monkhood is being rooted and grounded in a Life of celibacy. The benefits of celibacy (sexual abstinence) are obviously not widely ...
Saptha Visuddhi's user avatar
2 votes

Does craving include basic survival drives like hunger, thirst, reproduction?

Hunger is not "craving" (tanha, technical Buddhist term). Craving is basically when you are in whatever state you are (let's call that X) and you imagine (visualize) some other state Y. And then you ...
Andriy Volkov's user avatar
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2 votes

Will I be reindividualised after death?

"Will I be reindividualised after death?" If craving is present, you will. If craving is not present, you will not. "Should I give up the desire for food and water in order to stop my rebirth?"...
beginner's user avatar
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Is smoking tobacco acceptable in any school of Buddhism?

Obviously, smoking is not compatible with the Noble Eightfold Path. In Asian Buddhist countries, the majority of monks serve a social/cultural purpose & therefore do not practise the (entire) ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Can we define craving without mentioning self?

An example is there in the paticca-samuppada itself. Vedana Paccaya Tanha Feeling gives rise to craving. So in reality there's no "I like icecream". It should be liking arises due to taste ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar
2 votes

In what ways the Way removes the craving?

For example if the answer is by holding right view then I would like to know How does holding right view removes craving ? It's no coincidence that Right View is mentioned first in the Noble ...
santa100's user avatar
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How should I stop my craving for money and people?

Donate as much as you can to counter your greed. Do Marananussati or Patikulamanasikara or Satipatthana meditation to counter the craving towards people.
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar

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