I (hope to) understand the concept, that identification leads to suffering as we cling to these states. Identification also appears when we name things or feel part of these, when we label them and when we judge them and by sticking to these forms of identification we create a state within a fleeting moment hat we want to uphold which is not possible. (Forgive me, if this was not entirely precise, as English is not my primary language.) My question, however, is - this does make a lot of sense in so many ways - but let‘s focus on experiencing a moment, like the air on your face, which might ultimately lead to a judgment of it being nice, that does not necessarily entail that I want to stick to this state (although I might realize a sudden disappointment when it‘s gone, but that I can monitor.) But doesn‘t the labelling of the state lead to a more intense experience of the state (though that might be the reason why it shouldn‘t be.) My problem is that living in the „Here-and-now“ is easy to experience in a sensory experience, which in turn very often leads to a labelling because we remember this feeling and consider this feeling as good… which we then lose by thinking about it. Hm. Did I just understand the reasoning behind it, while I was typing? Maybe someone can help me to find a bit more clarity in this. Thank you, and apologies - again - for some clumsiness in phrasing it.