Indeed, Anathapindika was an important lay disciple of the Buddha who was very wealthy and became a great benefactor of the Sangha. He bought the land from Prince Jeta and constructed a monastery there. You can read [his story here][1]. > After the meal, > Anathapindika asked the Enlightened One if he might build a monastery > for the Order in his hometown of Savatthi. The Buddha answered: "The > Enlightened Ones love peaceful places." "I understand, O Master, I > understand," answered Anathapindika, overjoyed with the acceptance of > his offer. (SN 10.8 = Cv VI.4) > > Once he arrived in Savatthi, he immediately searched for an > appropriate location for the monastery. It had to be neither too close > to the city, nor too far. The site should not be one that would be > overrun by people in the daytime, nor should there be noise at night. > It should be suitable for access by devoted visitors and also fit for > those bent on seclusion. At last, in the chain of hills surrounding > the city, he found a beautiful forest glade, ideal for the purpose. > The area belonged to Prince Jeta, a son of King Pasenadi. > > Anathapindika visited Prince Jeta in his palace and asked if the > forest were for sale. The prince answered that the large tract of land > was not for sale, not even for the appropriate price of eighteen > million. "I will give you that much, right now," replied > Anathapindika, but they were not able to come to terms and went to an > arbitrator. The arbitrator ruled that the price should amount to as > many gold pieces of the eighteen million as could be laid next to each > other on the land. One this basis an agreement of sale was reached. > > Anathapindika had many carts filled with gold coins, and had them > spread out upon the site. Finally only one small patch of ground at > the entrance remained bare. He gave the instructions that more gold be > brought, but the Prince Jeta announced that he was prepared to build a > mighty gate-tower on that spot at his own expense. This imposing > bastion and gate protected the monastery from the outside world, > shielded it from the noises of the road, and emphasized the dividing > line between the realms of the sacred and the worldly. Anathapindika > then spent another eighteen million for buildings and furnishings. He > built individual cells, a meeting hall, a dining hall, storerooms, > walkways, latrines, wells, and lotus ponds for bathing as well as a > large surrounding wall. Thus the forest glade was transformed into a > monastery and stood apart as a religious sanctuary. (Cv VI.4) > > When everything had been completed, the Enlightened One, with his > monks, came to Savatthi to take up the residence at the new monastery. > On their arrival, Anathapindika invited them for an alms meal. After > the meal he addressed the Buddha and asked: "How should I proceed with > the offering of this Jetavana (Jeta's Grove)?" — "You may dedicate it to the Sangha > of the four quarters, present and future." And so Anathapindika did. > > The alms-meal for the monks was followed by a sumptuous celebration > for the laity with gifts for everyone. This cost another eighteen > million, so altogether Anathapindika spent fifty-four million on the > headquarters for the Order. Therefore, he stands at the head of the > benefactors. (AN 1.19) [1]: